The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Fulton DA clarifies case timeline for witness testimony

Special grand jury won’t hear witnesses till June 1.

- By Tamar Hallerman Staff writers Ben Brasch and Bill Rankin contribute­d to this article.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis will wait until after the May 24 primaries to call in witnesses to testify about whether former President Donald Trump tried to illegally overturn election results in Georgia in 2020.

Selection of a special grand jury will begin on May 2, but the group won’t hear from witnesses until June 1, Willis said in an interview with The Atlanta Journal-constituti­on on Monday.

Willis said the four-week gap would give jurors time to approve subpoenas for reluctant witnesses and for the district attorney’s office to deliver those documents into people’s hands. The veteran prosecutor also acknowledg­ed that she’s waiting until after the primaries to avoid the perception that her actions are politicall­y motivated, as her Republican critics allege.

“I don’t want anyone to say ‘oh, she’s doing this because she wants to influence the outcome of this upcoming election,’” the Democrat said. “The people will decide the outcome of this upcoming election. It will have nothing to do with this district attorney’s office.”

Several of the people Willis is likely to seek an interview with — most notably Secretary of State Brad Raffensper­ger, whom Trump called on Jan. 2, 2021, requesting that he “find” enough votes to reverse his Georgia defeat — are on the primary ballot this spring. That includes Gov. Brian Kemp and Attorney General Chris Carr. They also received Trump calls following the November 2020 elections and now face Repub- lican challenger­s.

Even though Willis is seeking to steer clear of the GOP primary, recent polling shows that Raffensper­ger and possibly Kemp may be forced into a primary runoff on June 21.

The special grand jury is authorized to meet until spring 2023 but could wrap work earlier.

Willis also on Monday clarified for the first time the scope of how many people her team of 10 prosecutor­s and investigat­ors have spoken to in the 14 months since she launched the probe.

She said that at least 50 people have voluntaril­y testified before prosecutor­s and that she plans to seek subpoenas for at least 30 others who had previously declined to be interviewe­d. She added that there are another 60 or so people her team is hoping to talk to in the weeks ahead.

Willis declined to name the lead prosecutor­s that she’s assigned to the probe, citing security precaution­s. She said she recently ordered bulletproo­f vests for them. She’s also ramped up her personal and office security amid a rash of threats tied to the Trump probe and unrelated gang cases.

In addition to the Trump-raffensper­ger call, Willis has indicated that her team is also examining the abrupt resignatio­n of former Atlanta-based U.S. Attorney Bjay Pak; a November 2020 call U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., placed to Raffensper­ger; and false claims made by Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani during a hearing before the Georgia Senate Judiciary Committee.

 ?? ?? Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis

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