The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Defining career goals early

Starting a new job? Think about where you want to go.

- By Daniel Bortz

If you’re new to the workforce, you probably have a lot on your mind. You’ve got to impress the boss, mingle with co-workers (note to self: find an office bff A.S.A.P.!) and prove you’re the next rising star. If you’re looking for good career goals, examples should cover both the short- and long-term.

Granted, you never know where you career will take you. Your first job could be a great fit (fingers crossed!), or it could make you second-guess your chosen field. Either way, you’ll want to create a few long-term work goals in order to set your career on the right path.

You can always deviate from your initial career direction, just as long as you’re working toward something. We’re not saying you need to map out a 40-year plan, but there are some universal targets you should aim for.

Career Goals: Examples for beginners to the workforce

1. Find your calling

It’s totally fine to be money-motivated, but a winning strategy will also take your career fulfillmen­t into account, not just a fat paycheck. So when you’re considerin­g job offers, look for an opportunit­y for personal developmen­t, rather than cash alone.

During the early stages of your career, one of your main work goals should be finding what industry best suits your ambitions. Now is the time to try different career paths. It’s more chal- lenging to change careers after you’ve become firmly entrenched in your industry.

2. Develop a broad skill set

Skills take center stage of many career goals. Exam- ples might include leadership skills, extensive certi- fications, and the like, all of which are based on enhanc- ing your profession­al developmen­t. Today, you’re hardpresse­d to find a job that requires one skill and one skill only. Employers are looking for people with a variety of talents. Hence,

instead of concentrat­ing on what you want your job title to be in five years, focus on developing skills that will make you more marketable to future employers.

Start by honing your communicat­ion skills. You may also want to take a writ- ing class since nearly every industry will require you to write something, be it an email or an annual report.

3. Set a timeline for education

Depending on your chosen field, you may have to complete certain training, certificat­ion programs, or education to excel in your career. To avoid getting sidetracke­d, set a goal to acquire the skill or degree within a specific time period (e.g., “I will go to law school in two years”).

However, before enroll- ing — and potentiall­y taking on student loan debt — think about why you want the degree and if it’s really going to make a difference in your future. Don’t go back to school for the wrong reasons only to become frustrated because it doesn’t lead to better career opportunit­ies.

If getting an MBA will increase your earning potential, it’s probably worth the investment; but if the degree isn’t relevant to your work, you might be better off going without.

4. Distinguis­h yourself in the field

To become a leader, you’ll need to raise your visibility at your current company and in your field. Show the boss you’ve got management potential by spearheadi­ng an initiative. Working on a group project? Be the one who presents the report to your manager.

Remember that networking both in-person and online can help you demonstrat­e your expertise. That entails attending events, not just reading about them, and also being active on social media — meaning you need to tweet on a regular basis, not simply have a Twitter account.

5. Align your life goals with your career goals

Think about where you want to be in five years in terms of your personal life, and ask if this is reflected in your career goals. Examples might include starting a family, relocating to a new city, buying a house, or paying off debt.

 ?? DREAMSTIME/TNS ?? As you begin your new job, think about how it aligns with your overall career goals. Consider how you might continue to develop your skill set or get additional education .
DREAMSTIME/TNS As you begin your new job, think about how it aligns with your overall career goals. Consider how you might continue to develop your skill set or get additional education .

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