The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Democrats back measure even without having tough curbs.

- By Tia Mitchell

WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. Lucy Mcbath said the gun safety bill passed by Congress on Friday falls short of what she and other gun control activists want. But it’s a step in the right direction and she means to celebrate, she said.

“For the first time in almost 30 years, for the first time since my son Jordan was born, this body has passed meaningful reforms — life-saving reforms — for our existing gun laws,” Mcbath said of Congress. “Legislatio­n that will keep our families alive, that will keep our children alive. And that means something to this body. That means something for America. That means something for our children. This gives us hope.”

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Mcbath, whose teenage son was murdered in 2012, urged fellow Democrats to support the measure even though it didn’t include language that many had hoped, such as an assault weapon ban or raising the minimum age to purchase assault rifles from 18 to 21.

But Democrats and many Republican­s said they needed to do something in response to high-profile mass shootings in recent weeks, including the racially motivated targeting of a grocery store in Buffalo that left 10 dead and the attack at Uvalde elementary school that killed 19 fourth-graders and two teachers.

The House went on to pass the legislatio­n 234-193, with 14 Republican­s joining Democrats in the majority. Georgia’s delegation split along party lines with all six Democrats in favor and all eight Republican­s opposed.

The Senate signed off on the bill late Thursday, meaning the measure now goes to President Joe Biden for his signature. Fifteen Republican­s joined all 50 Senate Democrats in that vote, including Georgia Sens. Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.

“After over 20 years of inaction in Congress, I’m proud we finally came together and took action to pass commonsens­e policies supported by a majority of Georgians and Americans,” Warnock said in a state

ment after the vote.

The legislatio­n will expand background checks for people ages 18-21 and give the government more time to conduct the checks; strengthen penalties for gun traffickin­g; prohibit people convicted of domestic violence from purchasing guns; provide money for mental health and school safety; and create incentives for states like Georgia to implement “red flag” laws to take guns away from people deemed a threat to themselves or others.

The bill was negotiated by a bipartisan group of senators, but the majority of Republican­s still regarded it as an infringeme­nt of the Second Amendment and voted against it. U.S. Rep. Rick Allen, R-augusta, said that he could not support the legislatio­n because of certain provisions limiting access to firearms, like the “red flag” measure.

“I have long supported proactive measures to fund school security and mental health services, but combining these commonsens­e measures with policies that would disarm law-abiding Americans makes this package unacceptab­le,” Allen said. “This bill would criminaliz­e routine firearm transactio­ns and encourage states to violate the due process rights of law-abiding citizens.”

 ?? JAE C. HONG/AP FILE ?? Public pressure on Congress to do something about gun violence mounted after an 18-year-old with a legally acquired assault rifle slaughtere­d 19 children and two teachers at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, last month.
JAE C. HONG/AP FILE Public pressure on Congress to do something about gun violence mounted after an 18-year-old with a legally acquired assault rifle slaughtere­d 19 children and two teachers at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, last month.

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