The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Can we cut inflation with less suffering?

- Paul Krugman He writes for the New York Times.

Not long ago, many people were predicting a long, hot summer of inflation. To their surprise — and, for some Republican­s, dismay — that isn’t happening. Overall consumer prices were flat in July, and nowcasts — estimates based on preliminar­y data — suggest that inflation will remain low in August.

However, I don’t know any economists who believe that inflation has been beaten. Much of the recent good news is the result of falling gas prices, which won’t continue. It’s true that we’ll probably get another round of good news from falling food prices.

Still, the Federal Reserve has learned from much experience not to let policy be driven by movements in volatile food and energy prices, and underlying inflation still looks high. So the Fed isn’t about to pivot; it will keep raising interest rates to cool off the economy, which is highly likely to lead to at least some rise in unemployme­nt and quite possibly a recession.

The Fed is following policy orthodoxy. But are there less painful, heterodox strategies we could be following instead?

Unfortunat­ely, I can’t see it working under current U.S. conditions.

Broadly speaking, there are two ways to bring inflation down without putting the economy through a painful squeeze. One is what we used to call incomes policy: direct government interventi­on, whether through controls or moral suasion, to limit price increases. The other is policy to hold prices down by expanding supply.

Do incomes policies ever work? Yes. The classic example is Israel in the 1980s, a nation that experience­d very high inflation, then brought inflation way down.

This achievemen­t was made possible in large part through a package that included a temporary wage freeze and price ceilings. And Israel managed to go cold turkey on inflation without experienci­ng a severe recession.

But nothing like that seems possible in modern America. For one thing, Israel in the 1980s was the kind of place where you could get most of the major economic players together in a single room; labor federation Histadrut represente­d about 80% of the workforce.

So what is our problem? Probably just a classic case of too much money chasing too few goods, leading to a very hot economy — one in which there are far more job vacancies than there are people seeking work.

And any attempt to suppress the inflation caused by this hot economy with controls would almost surely be blown apart instantly by market forces.

Does this mean that Congress and the president should ignore the possibilit­y that some companies are taking advantage of an inflationa­ry background to exploit their monopoly power? No, a bit of naming and shaming wouldn’t do any harm. But we’ll still need Fed tightening.

Unless, that is, we can increase the supply of goods. Can’t we reduce inflation by, say, investing in infrastruc­ture? We are, in fact, doing that. Last year’s infrastruc­ture law and the just-enacted Inflation Reduction Act are, to an important degree, investment bills that will eventually make the U.S. more productive and hence limit inflation — more, I think, than many people realize.

But these benefits will take years to materializ­e. And the Fed believes — correctly, I think — that it’s operating on a clock. The Fed, therefore, needs to take action to reduce underlying inflation fairly quickly.

So orthodoxy — reducing inflation by engineerin­g a slowdown — it is.

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