The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Beltline gets ready for paving trail along Piedmont Park

Entire trail between I-20, I-85 to be done by end of 2024.

- By Zachary Hansen

Atlanta Beltline is preparing to begin work on one of the final unpaved sections of the Northeast Trail.

Beltline officials announced recently they are searching for a constructi­on firm to pave the Northeast Trail’s segment 1, which runs along Piedmont Park. Upon completion in the fall of 2024, the popular mixed-use trail will be entirely paved between I-20 and I-85, connecting several neighborho­ods.

The Eastside Trail is one of the Beltline’s most heavily traveled and densely developed sections, boasting popular developmen­ts like Ponce City Market, the Junction Krog District and Midtown Promenade. Clyde Higgs, president and CEO of the Beltline, said work on the multi-use trail is picking up across the planned 22-mile loop, of which 9.3 miles is currently paved.

“Within two years, we expect to have 80 percent of the BeltLine complete or under constructi­on,” Higgs said in a news release. “We’re thrilled to keep up our accelerate­d pace to deliver the Atlanta BeltLine for all Atlantans.”

The Beltline is requesting constructi­on bids for segment 1, which was issued six months ahead of schedule. Responses are due May 10. The 0.9-mile trail section spans from the paved path at 10th Street and Monroe Drive to Westminste­r Drive, where it connects to a 1.2mile trail section that’s currently being paved.

Constructi­on on segment 1 is expected to begin shortly after a firm is selected. The work includes laying down a 14-foot-wide trail of concrete and installing the necessary street connection­s, handrails and guardrails, storm drains, lighting, security cameras, landscapin­g and other path infrastruc­ture.

The path borders Piedmont Park to the west, while the properties along its eastern side include multiple residentia­l communitie­s and shopping centers.

Amsterdam Walk, a 9-acre retail center, is the focus of an earlystage redevelopm­ent plan by Portman Holdings to add housing and more density along this Beltline corridor. The developer previously told The Atlanta JournalCon­stitution the project will incorporat­e affordable housing and commercial spaces. In recent years, the Beltline has made significan­t progress toward meeting its goal of 5,600 new affordable housing units by the end of this decade.

“An expanded and connected mobility network forming a path to good-paying jobs, affordable housing and economic opportunit­y is our mission, especially given the growing density of the eastside corridor,” Higgs said.

 ?? COURTESY ATLANTA BELTLINE INC. ?? Beltline Northeast Trail’s segment 1 is unpaved. Beltline officials expect to hire a constructi­on firm to begin paving by summer. An official says 80 percent of Beltline work will be underway within two years.
COURTESY ATLANTA BELTLINE INC. Beltline Northeast Trail’s segment 1 is unpaved. Beltline officials expect to hire a constructi­on firm to begin paving by summer. An official says 80 percent of Beltline work will be underway within two years.

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