The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Chamblee steps up to help Ukrainian sister city of Kovel

First move is to help group establish an English library.

- By H.M. Cauley For the AJC CONTRIBUTE­D Informatio­n about the book drive is at chambleega. com/ 750/Sister-City--Kovel-Ukraine.

Unlike cities in the metro area, Chamblee was without a sister city, a part

town from another country. That changed in September last year when city council voted to ally itself with Kovel, Ukraine.

“We were looking to partner with someone, and a former exchange student I’d hosted was volunteeri­ng in Ukraine and suggested it,” Mayor Brian Mock said. “We reached out and made a and the city was thrilled. We were first partnershi­p with a city in America. It was the right time, the right place.”

After the vote, Mock visited Kovel and stayed for a week to meet with local offi- cials and solidify the ment that supports the town economical­ly, culturally academical­ly.

“I came back with so many

Mock said. “There hasn’t been one day since I’ve been back that I haven’t spoken to someone from

It’s almost become like a third job for me.”

The idea leads the list for Mock is a partnershi­p with EuroFuture, a nongovernm­ental organizati­on working to establish an English library in Kovel.

“I saw this as something the city could support diately,” he said. “The building is there; they’re getting the shelving in place for an English library with books from kindergart­en to 100 years old, if that’s what

through door.” Chamblee recen ly launched a book for Kovel goal of sending 10,000 volumes. But they’ll go in 1,000-book batches that make the project manageable.

“We have a short-term goal of 1,000 books that we’d like to ship out immediatel­y, and as soon as we can get the first shipped, we’ll start collecting the next 1,000,” said Mock. “But library can hold 10,000, so we’re not going to stop until we reach that number.”

Donations are accepted at Chamblee City Hall, 3518 Broad St., or the Chamblee branch of the DeKalb County Public Library where books are being sorted into genres and reading levels.

“The misconcept­ion been we’re looking for school-age books, but we’re really looking for anything,” said Mock. “They’re happy to have fine literature, number books or whatever they can get.”

Donations to help with shipping costs are being accepted by the Georgia branch of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America; visit ukrainiana­ donation for details.


 ?? ?? Chamblee Mayor Brian Mock is leading the city’s drive to raise 10,000 books for its sister city, Kovel, Ukraine.
Chamblee Mayor Brian Mock is leading the city’s drive to raise 10,000 books for its sister city, Kovel, Ukraine.

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