The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Open your mind to richness of others’ experience­s


To what generation do you belong?

The most currently discussed include Gen Z, millennial­s, Gen Y, Gen X, baby boomer. How do you view and interact with others who are from a different generation than you? Misunderst­anding different generation­s is not a new phenomenon. If you watched the “Elvis” (2022) movie starring Austin Butler and Tom Hanks, you clearly witness dissension among the generation­s. Even in the animated movie,

“The Croods” (2013), people of different ages within a family and beyond are having conflicts.

While there are some similar characteri­stics among people of a certain age, it doesn’t tell the whole story of a person. We often see people quickly assessing (and then judging) another person simply based on age. It’s unfair to summarize someone because of the generation they were born into. Some people devalue the wisdom, perspectiv­e and experience of a different generation while others overvalue it. For example, a baby boomer may value a person from the millennial generation because they have a child of that age. Some Gen Z’s have more respect for people in the Gen Y category because they have a deep connection for a family member who falls in that group.

When you quickly summarize a person based on one dimension, you lose the richness of the person’s humanity. You miss out on the possibilco­uld ity of a relationsh­ip dynamic that enrich your life. It’s best to get to know someone based on the content of that person’s character. Be curious. Ask questions. Be patient and empathetic. This in no way is a suggesit’s tion to disregard bad behavior. an opportunit­y to expand your worldview and enjoy growth and camaraderi­e with people different than you.

Every generation has valuable experience­s, insights and perspectiv­es. When you give others basic respect even if your experience differs, everyone wins.

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 ?? For The AJC ?? Angela and Dennis Buttimer
For The AJC Angela and Dennis Buttimer

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