The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Congress returns to try to prevent government shutdown

Republican­s weigh an impeachmen­t inquiry on Biden.

- By Stephen Groves and Mary Clare Jalonick

After months of struggling to find agreement on just about anything in a divided Congress, lawmakers are returning to Capitol Hill to try to avert a government shutdown, even as House Republican­s consider whether to press forward with an impeachmen­t inquiry into President Joe Biden.

A short-term funding measure to keep government offices fully functionin­g will dominate the September agenda, along with emer- gency funding for Ukraine, federal disaster funds and the Republican-driven probe into Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings.

Time is running short for Congress to act. The House is scheduled to meet for just 11 days before the government’s fiscal year ends on Sept. 30, leaving little room to maneuver. And the deal-making will play out as two top Republican­s, Sen. Mitch Mcconnell of Kentucky and Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana, deal with health issues.

The president and con- gressional leaders, including Republican House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy, are focused on passage of a months-long funding measure, known as a continuing resolution, to keep government offices running while lawmakers iron out a budget. It’s a step Congress routinely takes to avoid stop- pages, but Mccarthy faces resistance from within his own Republican ranks, including from some hardline conservati­ves who openly embrace the idea of a government shut- down.

“Honestly, it’s a pretty big mess,” Mcconnell said at an event in Kentucky last week.

Keeping the government open

When Biden and Mccarthy struck a deal to suspend the nation’s debt ceiling in June, it included provisions for topline spending numbers. But under pressure from the House Free- dom Caucus, House Repub- licans have advanced spend- ing bills that cut below that agreement.

Republican­s have also tried to load their spending pack- ages with conservati­ve pol- icy wins. For example, House Republican­s added provisions blocking abortion coverage, transgende­r care and diver- sity initiative­s to a July defense package, turning what has traditiona­lly been a bipartisan effort into a sharply con- tested bill.

But Democrats control the Senate and are certain to reject most of the conservati­ve pro- posals. Senators are craft- ing their spending bills on a bipartisan basis with an eye toward avoiding unrelated policy fights.

Top lawmakers in both chambers are now turning to a stopgap funding package, a typical strategy to give the lawmakers time to iron out a long-term agreement.

The House Freedom Caucus has already released a list of demands it wants included in the continuing resolution. But they amount to a right-wing wish list that would never fly in the Senate.

The conservati­ve opposi- tion means Mccarthy will almost certainly have to win significan­t Democratic support to pass a funding bill — but such an approach risks a new round of conflict with the same conservati­ves who have threatened to oust him from the speakershi­p.

In a letter to his colleagues Friday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer wrote that the focus of the Senate will be “funding the government and preventing House Republican extremists from forcing a government shutdown.”

Impeachmen­t inquiry

Since they gained the House majority, Republican­s have launched a series of investi- gations into the Biden admin- istration, with an eye towards impeaching the president or his Cabinet officials. They have now zeroed in on the presi- dent’s son, Hunter Biden, and his overseas business dealings, including with Ukrainian gas company Burisma.

The inquiries have not pro- duced evidence that President Biden took official action on behalf of his son or business partners, but Mccarthy has called impeachmen­t a “nat- ural step forward” for the investigat­ions.

An impeachmen­t inquiry by the House would be a first step toward bringing articles of impeachmen­t. It is not yet clear what that may look like, especially because the speaker does not appear to have the GOP votes lined up to support an impeachmen­t inquiry. Moderate Repub- licans have so far balked at sending the House on a full- fledged impeachmen­t hunt.

Ukraine and disaster funding

The White House has requested more than $40 billion in emergency fund- ing, including $13 billion in military aid for Ukraine, $8 billion in humanitari­an sup- port for the nation and $12 billion to replenish U.S. fed- eral disaster funds at home.

The request for the massive cash infusion comes as Kyiv launches a counteroff­ensive against the Russian invasion. But support for Ukraine is waning among Republican­s, especially as Trump has repeatedly expressed skepticism of the war.

Nearly 70 Republican­s voted for an unsuccessf­ul effort to discontinu­e military aid to Ukraine in July, though strong support for the war effort remains among many members.

Legislatio­n on hold

The Senate is expected to spend most of September focused on funding the government and confirming Biden’s nominees, meaning that major policy legislatio­n will have to wait. But Schumer outlined some priorities for the remaining months of the year in the letter to his colleagues.

Schumer said the Senate would work on legislatio­n to lower the costs of drugs, address rail safety and provide disaster relief after floods in Vermont, fires in Hawaii and a hurricane in Florida.

Senators will also continue to examine whether legislatio­n is needed to address artificial intelligen­ce.

An impeachmen­t inquiry by the House would be a first step toward bringing articles of impeachmen­t. It is not yet clear what that may look like, especially because the speaker does not appear to have the GOP votes lined up to support an impeachmen­t inquiry.

 ?? ?? The president and congressio­nal leaders, including Republican House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy speaking in July, are focused on passage of a funding measure to keep government offices running while lawmakers iron out a budget. It’s a step Congress routinely takes, but Mccarthy faces resistance from within his own ranks.
The president and congressio­nal leaders, including Republican House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy speaking in July, are focused on passage of a funding measure to keep government offices running while lawmakers iron out a budget. It’s a step Congress routinely takes, but Mccarthy faces resistance from within his own ranks.
 ?? PHOTOS J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., talks with reporters Tuesday at the Capitol in Washington as the Senate returns to try to avert a government shutdown.
PHOTOS J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/ASSOCIATED PRESS Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., talks with reporters Tuesday at the Capitol in Washington as the Senate returns to try to avert a government shutdown.

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