The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

‘Negativity bias’ can creep in without you knowing it

- Angela and Dennis Buttimer

Do you have a tendency toward a negative view? Perhaps you allow what is wrong in situations to dominate your assessment of the entire picture. If so, you may have a negativity bias.

Let’s say you are out for a walk around a lake on an otherwise beautiful day. The sky is blue. The weather is mild and sunny. You have plenty of time for your excursion. As you continue to walk, you notice trash at the edges of the water in a few places. You silently grumble about who put it there. Further along, you notice more. You may start to get aggravated.

Now, you’ve been at this lake often, yet you’ve never previously been aware of how much trash is present in certain spots. But this day it seems like trash is everywhere. But is it really?

In another example, you go to a social engagement you’ve been looking forward to attending. In advance, you’re excited because there are certain friends you really want to connect with. As you arrive at the party, you are warmly greeted by the host. The aroma of good food fills the air. You hear laughter and pleasant music. You accept a drink you enjoy. But something doesn’t seem right somehow.

There are about 25 people attending the event, but there are two you don’t prefer to be around. One is loud and talkative. The other is opinionate­d about politics. You cringe inside. Suddenly, you focus on those two people, and you increasing­ly feel sour and deem the party a dud. But is it really?

You might say a negativity bias is a dark filter covering a light situation. Perhaps you have discernmen­t, but you may take that to an extreme resulting in feeling bad when you could be experienci­ng joy. You can address the negatives around you without capitulati­ng to them. Consider how you and those around you feel when you are too aversive in your approach. Might a more optimistic, pleasant or grateful view boost you and those in your company?

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