The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Perseveran­ce — and support — can help you reach goals

- Angela and Dennis Buttimer

The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was quoted as saying, “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do, keep moving forward.” The perseveran­ce road, even if you feel passionate about what is driving you forth, can be fraught with potholes, detours and challenges. It takes great strength and focus to stay steady in your quest to honor your values or follow your dreams.

Call it tenacity. Call it grit. Call it doggedness. Maybe describe it as a spirited single-mindedness. But regardless of its descriptor­s, perseveran­ce allows you the staying power when setbacks occur. Let’s say you are intent on losing 25 pounds for health reasons, to have more energy and to feel better. That conviction to stay true to your goals can be easily dissuaded, can’t it?

Your habits of indulging in your favorite comfort foods suddenly beckon you. Friends unwittingl­y tempt you with nearly irresistib­le, savory treats. It almost seems as if you have to have an iron will made of unflappabl­e resolve.

So how can you overcome this tendency whether it’s to lose weight, learn how to dance or to reach a profession­al milestone? Look at the temporary backslide as an understand­able situation. Can you view it as an opportunit­y? Maybe you can reframe the setback as a chance for a strong comeback.

To meet a goal or reach a dream, it certainly takes unshakable perseveran­ce. But how can you ensure the results you desire without going astray? For one thing, ask for support. Whom can you count on to caringly help you stay on track? Tough love can be a blessing in these cases.

Additional­ly, remind yourself of your why, the underlying reason for your wish to persevere. That can push you forward when you have temptation­s. Lastly, know that progress is not often linear, so be compassion­ate with yourself on your journey.

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