The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

My divine assignment: Answering call to serve

- Patricia Holbrook Faith and Values

I remember the moment God confirmed my ministry calling in minute detail.

I felt called to serve women for two years, but I had no idea what avenue God wanted to use. I prayed, researched and listened, eager to know more and launch into ministry. But heaven fell silent. Until that morning in October 2010.

I had been in touch with my best friend about a challengin­g trial she was facing. Because she lives in Brazil and we both had full-time jobs and small children at the time, telephone calls were limited. Therefore, we exchanged emails back and forth.

She was facing a critical, potentiall­y life-changing decision and was eager for my advice.

When I read her email that morning, I knew I had to pray before responding. After careful prayer, I typed a long message offering guidance and hope, including many Bible verses and passages for her considerat­ion.

More important, I wanted my dear friend to know that God had allowed that hardship to strengthen her faith.

I hit “send” and prayed for her once more.

Less than 30 minutes later, I received a response. My eyes filled with tears when I read the moving words:

“You were used by God to show me exactly what I need to do. I have printed your message and put it inside my Bible. I will look at these verses and anchor my heart on God’s promises.”

As I read the email, I knew it — as one knows when God speaks. That was the answer I waited for, and for two years. I was to write and speak to encourage believers to live a life of trust and obedience to God. Or, as my dear, late pastor Dr. Charles Stanley often said, “Obey God, and leave all the consequenc­es to him.”

But as excited as I was to have some clarity, fear and a strong sense of inadequacy threatened to stall my calling before it started. Who was I to think I could teach the Bible? Who would even want to listen? Where would I start?

Hindsight is indeed 20/20. Looking back, it’s now easy to see how God had started preparing me and the territory he would open many years before. Lessons learned through life’s mountainto­ps and valleys began pouring out into paper. Doors opened that I could never have opened myself. Opportunit­ies to serve others flourished as I stepped out into the fields he opened before me.

With trembling knees and absolute certainty that I could not do the work based on my abilities or strength, I said yes to serve others wherever he planted me.

Late last year, I met former second lady Karen Pence to discuss her new book: “When It’s Your Turn to Serve – Experienci­ng God’s Grace in His Calling for Your Life.”

During our interview,

Pence and I discussed the challenges we face when God calls us out of our comfort zones to serve him in ways that challenge our faith.

Pence was an elementary school teacher, wife and mother who never would have envisioned becoming the second lady of the United States. But as a woman of deep and enduring faith, she knew that if God called her to serve her country in such a prominent position, he would enable her and give her the grace to carry out his plan.

She writes in the introducti­on of the book:

“Through it all, I’ve tried to take the road less traveled and head the way that may look uncertain, especially if I feel it is where God is ultimately calling me to serve him and others. And no matter what, he has always gotten me through and never abandoned me.”

That’s the message of Pence’s book — a message I echo wholeheart­edly: It’s not about the magnitude of our abilities but our willingnes­s to serve others with the gifts God bestowed upon us.

When it’s your turn to serve, trust that his grace and power will commission the work he called you to complete.

To listen to Patricia’s interview with Karen Pence, search “God-Sized Stories with Patricia Holbrook” on all podcast platforms or YouTube. You can find “When It’s Your Turn to Serve” anywhere books are sold.

Patricia Holbrook is a columnist, author, podcaster and internatio­nal speaker. Visit her new website: PatriciaHo­

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