The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Kamala Harris’ moment has arrived

- Charles M. Blow He writes for The New York Times

One of Kamala Harris’ most memorable moments during the 2020 presidenti­al election cycle was when, during a Democratic primary debate, she sharply criticized Joe Biden for working with segregatio­nists in the Senate in their shared opposition to busing.

She personaliz­ed her criticism, saying: “There was a little girl in California who was a part of the second class to integrate her public schools, and she was bused to school every day. And that little girl was me.”

The power in the attack was not only the point being made but that she — a person affected from a group affected — was making it. Although some of Biden’s defenders saw her remark as a gratuitous broadside, there was an authentici­ty to the way she confronted the issue.

The verbal jab also aligned with the national zeitgeist at a time when calls for racial justice and the Black Lives Matter movement were ascendant.

She ticked up in the polls, and donations poured in. Ultimately, her candidacy didn’t catch fire, but the following summer, Biden, the eventual nominee, made a historic offer to Harris to join his ticket, leading to her becoming the first woman, first Black person and first Asian American to be vice president.

Fast-forward to now, when Vice President Harris has served nearly a full term alongside President Biden, and she is moving into another moment when the political stars are aligned for her as the perfect messenger on a subject that has fixed Americans’ attention and is central in the 2024 presidenti­al campaign: reproducti­ve rights.

This time, her target is Donald Trump. And being in a position to go on the offensive is a reversal of fortune for a vice president who has endured withering — often unfair — attacks and who struggled to define herself in the role.

In October, The Atlantic’s Elaina Plott Calabro profiled Harris under the headline “The Kamala Harris Problem,” writing that “Harris’s reputation has never quite recovered” from some early blunders during her term. Criticisms of Harris have been relentless, from legitimate challenges to her policy statements to ridiculous commentary about her laugh. Much of it has seemed tinged with gender bias.

But the Supreme Court’s overturnin­g of Roe v. Wade and Republican­s’ lust to enact increasing­ly regressive policies to restrict reproducti­ve rights have made Harris’ voice an essential one in the campaign.

In December, Harris announced her nationwide Fight for Reproducti­ve Freedoms tour.

In March, she became what is believed to be the first vice president to pay an official visit to an abortion clinic (no president has done so), when she visited a Planned Parenthood clinic in St. Paul, Minnesota.

In a February speech in Savannah, she said she decided to specialize in prosecutin­g crimes of violence against women and children because in high school she learned one of her best friends was being molested by her stepfather. Harris told that story to underscore the repressive nature of abortion laws that don’t have exceptions for rape or incest.

Harris may never be duly recognized for her contributi­ons to the administra­tion on a broad range of issues, but in the end that may not be her calling. With this issue, she has hit her stride.

With it, the talk of her as a liability has been hushed, for some, by the clear realizatio­n of what she brings to the campaign. With it, Harris has a mission, and she’s on it.

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