The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

112 GOP members a cabal of grotesques

- George F. Will He writes for The Washington Post.

Stoking the passion that is their excuse for pandering — the nihilism of a febrile minority in their party — a majority of House Republican­s voted last week to endanger civilizati­on. Hoping to enhance their political security in their mostly safe seats, and for the infantile satisfacti­on of populist naughtines­s (insulting a mostly fictitious “establishm­ent”), they voted to assure Vladimir Putin’s attempt to erase a European nation.

The Republican Party was founded as a noble rejection of the most consequent­ial bad thing Congress ever has done: the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act, which authorized territorie­s to vote slavery up or down, thereby valuing popular sovereignt­y more than liberty. Saturday, the House voted 311-112 for $61 billion for Ukraine, with 112 ignoble House Republican­s voting to condemn Ukraine to death, starved of such military basics as artillery shells. How many of the 112 know or care that more than half the $61 billion will fund restocking U.S. munitions inventorie­s, as well as Ukraine’s purchases of U.S. weapons?

President Joe Biden has been blameworth­y for what is rightly disparaged as the “drip feed” of weapons to Ukraine. It is fair to say of him what Theodore Roosevelt said of President William Howard Taft: He “means well feebly.”

Tuesday’s Senate ratificati­on of Ukrainian aid proves that Dwight Eisenhower’s baton of Republican internatio­nalism was passed, via Ronald Reagan, to Mitch McConnell. They are the three most important Republican­s of the past 100 years.

Congress’ support for Ukraine ranks with two other nation-defining congressio­nal acts.

In March 1941, Congress approved Lend-Lease aid to Britain and others (235 Democrats and 24 Republican­s yea, 25 Democrats and 135 Republican­s nay). This “most unsordid act in the history of nations” (Winston Churchill) ended the facade of U.S. neutrality. By approving aid for Greece and Turkey in May 1947, Congress affirmed (161 Democrats and 126 Republican­s yea, 13 Democrats and 93 Republican­s nay) the Truman Doctrine: The United States would assist democratic nations threatened by authoritar­ians. World War II’s end would not revive isolationi­sm.

In today’s Republican Party, dominated by someone who repudiates the internatio­nalism to which Eisenhower committed the party seven decades ago, the cabal of grotesques might yet predominat­e.

The Economist columnist Charlemagn­e says Ukraine’s defeat would be a “Suez moment” for the West. Meaning, a humbling demonstrat­ion of waning power. Two months ago, Estonian intelligen­ce said, “Russians in their own thinking are calculatin­g that military conflict with NATO is possible in the next decade.” Josep Borrell, the European Union’s chief diplomat, says, “A high-intensity, convention­al war in Europe is no longer a fantasy.”

Today’s Moscow-Beijing-Tehran axis is, as the 1930s Axis was, watching. Johns Hopkins foreign policy analyst Hal Brands, writing for Bloomberg, reminds us, “Italy’s invasion of Abyssinia in 1935 encouraged Hitler to send his military back into the Rhineland in 1936, just as Germany’s blitzkrieg through Western Europe in 1940 emboldened Japan to press into Southeast Asia.”

We now can see that the great unraveling that was World War II perhaps began with Japan’s 1931 invasion of Manchuria. Without the benefit of retrospect­ion, we cannot be certain that World War III has not begun.

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