The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Pause before you engage others when feeling triumphant

- Angela and Dennis Buttimer

Have you ever gotten enough distance from a person or activity to ease the hurt or disappoint­ment they caused? Or perhaps you enjoyed some fantastic wins in your life and felt blissful. In those moments, you might be tempted to call someone or book an event that you previously had distanced from. Often, people coming home from a high on vacation have the compelling nudge to ring a friend or family member to spread the good cheer. The other person, though, is not feeling the same. If you’ve participat­ed in this dynamic, you may have been met with a negative reaction.

If you’re on enough of a high, it won’t faze you. But if you were strongly attached to this having a positive outcome, you may feel dashed. Your elevated state gets sunk. This occurs because you weren’t grounded enough. It’s tough to learn how to exist in the state of euphoric groundedne­ss, but it is possible.

When you’re riding a win in your life, pause before you act. Just like we encourage you to pause before engaging when you’re in a negative mood, acting impulsivel­y can have the same disappoint­ing effects.

The other idea to consider here is where the other person may be. You may not realize it at the time of reaching out, but they may have just received bad news or simply be in a terrible mood. They may subconscio­usly invalidate your experience.

You also may have distanced from certain groups or activities because you weren’t having a positive experience or it simply wasn’t that fulfilling to you. Perhaps you outgrew that group. In your state of euphoric cognitive bias, you may tempted to re-engage hoping that it will have evolved as you have. Again, this can be a setup for disappoint­ment.

The wisdom in this lesson is to pause before you engage others when feeling triumphant. Celebrate thoroughly within yourself. Be discerning when you do decide to engage. Cherish those positive mental/emotional/physical/spiritual states.

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