The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Britons put Labour leader in 10 Downing St.

New prime minister assumes huge power, historic residence

- By Danica Kirka

LONDON — After a few hours of sleep to shake off a night of celebratio­n and an audience with the king, Keir Starmer stepped through the front door of 10 Downing St. for the first time as prime minister on Friday.

When he did, he entered the alternate reality of a man who meets regularly with King Charles III and has ultimate control of Britain’s nuclear missiles, all while adjusting to life in a creaking 17th century landmark and trying to balance his work and personal life.

On his first day in office, Starmer was to get briefings from senior civil servants about key issues facing the government, receive congratula­tory phone calls from world leaders and begin the process of appointing his Cabinet.

Here is a look at some of the other traditions and responsibi­lities he faced on his first day inside No. 10.

Nuclear trigger

One of the most sobering moments of any prime minister’s first day on the job is the realizatio­n that he now has the ultimate authority over whether to launch Britain’s nuclear missiles.

In the U.K., this is underscore­d when the country’s top civil servant informs the new prime minister that he has to write “last resort letters” to the captains of Britain’s four nuclear-armed submarines telling them what to do in the event of a nuclear attack that wipes out the civilian leadership.

It is a duty unique to Britain, where there is no “nuclear football,” the briefcase carrying targeting data and launch codes that accompanie­s the U.S. president wherever he goes.

The letters are placed on board each of the submarines inside safes that are to be opened only if their captains are certain Britain has been attacked and the country’s civilian leaders are dead.

While the letters are destroyed unread when a new prime minister takes office, there are thought to be only four options: retaliate, don’t retaliate, use your own judgment or put your nuclear weapons under the command of the U.S. or Australia, if possible.

It’s not the White House

No. 10 Downing St. is as much of a shorthand for Britain’s prime minister as the White House is for the U.S. president. But that’s about all they have in common.

Behind the famous black door of No. 10 sits a warren of interlinke­d offices, meeting rooms and two residences carved out of three townhouses built in the late 1600s.

With an estimated 400 people working in some 100 offices, the space has become dysfunctio­nal, a workplace consultant said two years ago, recommendi­ng that the prime minister’s top team move to a modern office space.

“It’s clear that 10 Downing St. isn’t fit for purpose and much of the muddled decision-making afflicting the government may stem from not having a proper office,” Andrew Mawson, managing director of Advanced Workplace Associates, said in 2022. “No major corporatio­n — or indeed government department — operates from a largely unreconstr­ucted 300-year-old building or has the CEO living above the shop.”

One of the first decisions Britain’s new prime minister will have to make is whether to live in the two-bedroom apartment above 10 Downing St., traditiona­lly the home of Britain’s leaders, or the more spacious four-bedroom apartment over No. 11, formerly dedicated to the treasury chief.

Starmer, who is married and has two teenage children, is likely to follow recent precedent and claim the larger apartment. Other than his predecesso­r, Rishi Sunak, every prime minister since Tony Blair has picked that option.

No. 10 Downing St. is part of a row of townhouses built between 1682 and 1684 by former diplomat and property developer George Downing. The home of Britain’s prime ministers since 1735, it has been expanded over the years by linking it to the adjoining properties at No. 11 and No. 12.

In an effort to increase his profit, Downing cut costs. The houses had inadequate foundation­s for the boggy ground and the mortar lines were drawn on to give the appearance of evenly spaced bricks, according to the government website.

One former resident, Winston Churchill, described Downing Street with his characteri­stic flair:

“Shaky and lightly built by the profiteeri­ng contractor whose name they bear.”

Mouser in chief

Before the day is over, Starmer might have had his first meeting with Larry the cat, far and away the most famous permanent resident of Downing Street.

Larry, a gray and white tabby who roams the heart of government as if it were his own personal realm — has been a fixture of the residence for more than 13 years, outlasting five prime ministers.

The former stray was brought to Downing Street from the Battersea Dogs and Cats Home in 2011 to help control a rodent problem and he has been “chief mouser” ever since.

Larry has the press corps at his paws, with photograph­ers snapping photos of him whenever the news is slow — or all the time really. Larry even has 843,000 followers on X, formerly Twitter.

After all, prime ministers come and go. But Larry? Well, he had better not be going anywhere, declares freelance photograph­er Justin Ng, who is known as Larry’s favorite snapper on Downing Street. Perish the thought that Larry might retire!

“I hope Mr. Starmer ... doesn’t underestim­ate the popularity of Larry,’’ Ng said. “Basically, if he wants to stay in power, then Larry has to stay, too.”

 ?? ALBERTO PEZZALI/AP ?? Larry the cat, Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office of Great Britain, poses for the cameras outside 10 Downing St. in London, where photograph­ers often scramble to take the former stray’s picture. After a night of celebratio­n and an audience with King Charles III, Keir Starmer on Friday stepped through the front door of the historic building for the first time as prime minister.
ALBERTO PEZZALI/AP Larry the cat, Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office of Great Britain, poses for the cameras outside 10 Downing St. in London, where photograph­ers often scramble to take the former stray’s picture. After a night of celebratio­n and an audience with King Charles III, Keir Starmer on Friday stepped through the front door of the historic building for the first time as prime minister.
 ?? KIN CHEUNG/AP ?? Britain’s Labour Party Prime Minister Keir Starmer and his wife, Victoria, pose on the doorstep of 10 Downing St. before taking possession of the 300-year-old residence on Friday.
KIN CHEUNG/AP Britain’s Labour Party Prime Minister Keir Starmer and his wife, Victoria, pose on the doorstep of 10 Downing St. before taking possession of the 300-year-old residence on Friday.

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