The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Familiarit­y breeds attraction? Consider couples around you

- Angela and Dennis Buttimer

Do you think opposites attract as the common adage states? Are you attracted to people who look vastly different from you? Or do you find people who look like you more appealing?

Interestin­gly, there are scientific studies supporting the latter. One study, published in 2023, in the journal “Evolution and Human Behavior” found that those with similar facial features were more attracted to one another. Why would this occur? One theory is the familiarit­y effect, suggesting that people are drawn to that which is familiar. Studies also show that this is true for physical size, weight and height. You’ve been looking in the mirror at yourself over the years, so someone who carries similar traits may be more appealing to you. Scientists believe that your brain finds it easier to process others’ features when they’re familiar to you in some way.

Another study suggests that if two people look like one another, their child will end up looking more like both people. This is if they choose to have kids together. Similariti­es often give people a feeling of comfort and assurednes­s. Some theorists also believe that a person may subconscio­usly be seeking a mate who appears like their parents. This is a theory called sexual imprinting. A parent becomes the model for what a mate should look like. However, a caveat to this theory is when people don’t like their parents. This theory may not hold true for those with difficult familial relationsh­ips.

Some psychology profession­als have also put forth the idea that couples grow to look more like one another over time. This is due to the area of the world they live in, influences over one another in dress and diet, and behaviors they engage in through shared activities.

What do you think? Take some time to observe your own history of attraction and the couples around you to see whether or not they have similar features.

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