The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

‘Crying for attention’ is perfectly normal for a baby

- Meghan Leahy

Q: What is the best way for parents to align on parenting styles? And which parenting “style” choices are actually nonnegotia­ble? I’m already seeing ways my husband and I differ in parenting our 7-month-old. For example, my husband is annoyed and unresponsi­ve because the 7-month-old is “just crying for attention.” I’m anticipati­ng disagreeme­nts as our son finds his voice and more independen­ce.

We grew up in fairly stern households with isolation “time outs” as punishment and (for me) spanking for talking back. Unsurprisi­ngly, both of us aren’t great at expressing or talking about feelings. I’m really trying to break that cycle but am having a tough time knowing where to start. I think my husband would be open to discussion and does care about being a good parent, but I want to make sure that we are aligned on a framework for what “good” means that isn’t falling back on parenting like our parents. I’m not sure that my husband would agree that his parents’ approach wasn’t good, so I think I need another trusted source of info to lay out a better way. — Looking for a better way

A: I love this question because, it seems to me, parents are more pressured than ever to get on the “same page.” You are somehow meant to be “aligned” and even, at times, a mind reader, and I think this notion is killing parents. Of course, get your values together and have thoughtful conversati­ons with your partner, but I find that the pressure of being “aligned” can also squeeze out grace, room for mistakes and changes, as well as compassion for yourself and your partner.

When it comes to “nonnegotia­bles,” parents are often surprised that I have a very low bar (practicall­y speaking). No spanking, humiliatio­n, silent treatment, name-calling, withholdin­g of love and affection, or nonsensica­l punishment­s and consequenc­es. No physical, emotional, sexual, psychologi­cal or spiritual abuse. Almost everything else is up for grabs, depending on the child and the family.

I am dismayed but not surprised at your spouse’s “just crying for attention” statement. “Children are wild beasts that need to be tamed” is an old way of seeing children that, even though it’s been debunked by science, still has a grip on parents today. And while your spouse isn’t “abusive” toward your baby, it is a form of neglect to be unresponsi­ve to a baby crying. All babies cry, of course, and it is appropriat­e to listen for a moment for the “I am falling asleep” cry (for example). However, purposely not responding to teach the baby “a lesson” actually interferes with your baby’s attachment to your partner, and that’s not what your partner wants.

While you don’t want to tell your spouse that he could be irreparabl­y hurting his relationsh­ip with his son, you can explain a little attachment 101. A baby cries for attention; that’s all his body and young mind can do. He relies on his parents for everything, and crying is a form of him saying, “Stay near me; I need you.” It is not manipulati­on, nor does it need to be discipline­d out of him. Young children need to stay close to their parents and caretakers to feel safe, and we don’t mature unless we feel safe. A baby’s nervous system regulates, over and over, with connection.

It sounds like both of you are interested in learning and growing individual­ly and together as parents. You don’t need to worry about your spouse understand­ing that his childhood was tough; that will come in its own time. There are more immediate needs that should be addressed, such as making sure your spouse doesn’t withhold affection from his infant son. I would begin with Daniel Siegel and Mary Hartzell’s book, “Parenting from the Inside Out” and Siegel’s book with Tina Payne Bryson, “The Power of Showing Up.” These science-driven books are full of compassion for caregivers and children and should be on every parent’s bookshelf. I also love Louise Bates Ames’ developmen­t books; her common-sense and attachment-based approach for children starting at a year old is a balm for weary parents.

I also would recommend some good parenting classes or one-onone coaching. Whether that’s in person or online, please look for something “attachment-based” rather than behavioral. There may come a time for some behavioral modificati­on (rewards and consequenc­es), but your son is still too young for this way of parenting. Look for coaches who won’t shame your husband for holding these old beliefs and ways from his childhood. He is doing the best he can with what he has (as we all are), and the willingnes­s to get support and learn something new is worth its weight in gold.

Finally, I want to offer empathy and compassion for you, your partner and every caretaker reading this who experience­d spanking, being sent away, isolation or not being able to express their emotions safely. It leaves deep marks when the people who are supposed to offer us unconditio­nal love physically and emotionall­y abuse and hurt us. These marks can remain hidden until we begin our parenting journeys, and then we start to behave in ways that we never “chose” and don’t want! While uncomforta­ble, you and your spouse are being invited to change. You can do it, and your son is relying on you. Good luck.

Meghan Leahy is the mother of three daughters and the author of “Parenting Outside the Lines.” She holds a bachelor’s degree in English and secondary education and a master’s degree in school counseling, and is a certified parent coach.

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