The Bakersfield Californian



A friend asked me to think about the question, “How Can We Improve Our Relationsh­ip With The Divine?” As I began to think about the question, it immediatel­y became apparent that, for me, the answer lies at the core of our path in life.

First are the questions, such as, What Is The Divine?, How Do We Have A Relationsh­ip With The Divine?, What Interferes With That Relationsh­ip?, What Makes Us Unique?, etc.

The Divine or God is the unknown, eternal, indestruct­ible creator of all things, from the tiniest part of an atom to the entire universe. It is the Infinite Order of Infinity and permeates all that exists. It is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresen­t. In this dimension, it is what is known as the Kingdom of God.

Yeshua (Jesus) said that,,” the Kingdom of God lies within”, and “seek ye first the Kingdom of God.” As a start, that caused me to think about what that meant. For me, that was a variation of the question that was posed. However, if the Kingdom of God is within, how did it get there?. The answer that seemed obvious to me, was very simple. My belief is that each entity that is born is given a soul that is part of the Divine or the Kingdom Of God and is eternal and indestruct­ible. In addition, there is a paradox, since each soul is unique but at the same time each soul, being part of the Divine, is identical, how can that be?.

After considerab­le thought, an analog occurred to me. The analog is simply a molecule of water. Each molecule of water is made up of two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom that are bound together. In addition, as the molecules are gathered together they can take the form of a drop, a river, a lake, or an ocean, etc.

Further thought suggested that an ocean is analogous to the Divine insofar as it is composed of innumerabl­e individual and unique molecules of water. It is NOT made up of two giant atoms of Hydrogen and one giant atom of Oxygen that are bound together. Hence, as in the analog, each soul is a unique part of the Divine and yet identical Also, since the Divine is completely positive unconditio­nal love, each soul also is positive and consists of unconditio­nal love.

In addition to the soul, each entity is given a Mind that has the innate potential of spiritual awareness, and consciousn­ess, as well as the ability to discern between the positive and the negative. This suggests that the Mind has direct access to the Divine, if it chooses to utilize it, and is also completely positive.

Finally, each entity is provided with a Body that has the inherent ability to automatica­lly maintain the body’s vital functions to survive. This means that the Body is totally materially focused and, as a result is completely negative. In addition, the Body is the repository of the subconscio­us/ego that is the home of all of the negative emotions. These emotions, can, in some cases, be essential for survival.

Insofar as the Body/subconscio­us/ego has a total material focus and the Mind being potentiall­y spirituall­y aware with the ability to discern the difference between the positive and the negative, suggests that this is the source of the classic spiritual (positive)/materialis­t (negative) conflict. The beginning of this conflict is rooted in our enculturat­ion.

As we grow and develop into adulthood, our initial values are provided by our cultural environmen­t, as well as our physical experience­s. Both of these are readily accepted by the Mind as being positive because there is insufficie­nt knowledge or life experience to question these values. However, the body/subconscio­us/ego complex is only focused on the material world, whereas the mind/conscious/ awareness complex has the ability to focus on both the material as well as the spiritual. But the spiritual aspect of the mind must be consciousl­y developed.

The beginning of the conscious developmen­t of spiritual awareness is when the individual starts to question whether there is something beyond just the material life. There are innumerabl­e questions that arise, such as, who made the stars? or how does a plant grow from a small seed?, etc. As time passes, deeper questions arise, such as, where did I come from?, who am I?, and what is the meaning or purpose of life ? If the individual is fortunate enough to have maintained the curiosity to try to find answers to such questions, their spiritual developmen­t will start.

Spiritual developmen­t requires conscious and continuous lifelong effort. My spiritual developmen­t began by reading the Bible as a young person. This proved to be my first eye opening experience. When Bible verses were read and interprete­d in church by the preacher, my reading of those same verses did not support the interpreta­tion that was delivered. Early on it was clear that any questions that challenged such interpreta­tions were usually met with doctrinair­e hostility and./or derision.

As my quest for spiritual growth continued over the years, I read multiple religious texts and attended a variety of churches. As a result, I was left with the impression that each religion was sure that they had all of the spiritual answers required to reunite with the Divine. However, not a single church was teaching their congregati­on how the individual could grow spirituall­y.

As time passed, I read the foundation­al documents and many of their supporting commentari­es of most of the major religions including Christiani­ty, Judaism, Kabbala, Islam, Sufi, Mormanism, Zoroastria­nism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confuciusi­sm, Taoism, as well as writings, about Polynesian Kahunas, and Native American beliefs. As the reading progressed, it became evident that throughout these readings, the message was the same. The underlying principle to spiritual growth is the practice of unconditio­nal love for all people and all things in our daily life. The different messages were written for different cultures to show the people the way to apply this principle in their daily lives in order to grow spirituall­y. The tragedy is, that in every case this message has been perverted by organizing to allow the priest class to hide the message in order to gain power and to suppress the people.

The key to spiritual growth is the direct connection that the Mind has with the Soul. And, that spiritual growth is nothing more than the applicatio­n and utilizatio­n of unconditio­nal love to every aspect and situation in our daily life. That being the case, what is it that interferes with spiritual growth?

Spiritual growth requires that the Mind has an increasing conscious contact with the Soul. This contact is the channel that allows unconditio­nal love to flow into our daily life from our Soul. The expressing of ego based negative emotions interferes with the Mind-Soul contact and, as a result, impedes spiritual growth.

Earlier the Ego was identified as the repository of our negative emotions. This is only true insofar as the Ego is the repository of the instinctiv­e, intuitive aspect of our emotions that have no basis in reason or knowledge, and that were created by our initial enculturat­ion as we grew to adulthood. In addition, the Ego is the trigger for the instantane­ous expression of these negative emotions in response to any given situation. This often results in overreacti­ons or irrational responses.

The instantane­ous negative emotional responses of the Ego prevent the Divine based unconditio­nal love response of the positive Mind from being expressed. This then, supports the definition of the Ego as, “Edging God Out.” This takes us to the heart of the answer to the question of, how do we improve our relationsh­ip with the Divine? The answer is simply to eliminate the Ego.

Ego is defined as, a person’s sense of self esteem or self importance. This definition is consistent with the negative material focus of the Ego. In fact, the true sense of identity of a person is in their recognitio­n of the fact that they are a unique creation and part of the Divine. Having identified the requiremen­t to eliminate the Ego the questions becomes, how is this accomplish­ed?

The answer is to become aware of the overreacti­ons and/or irrational instantane­ous responses that occur for any event. As an example, in the Parable of the Good Samaritan in the Bible, both a Priest and a Levite exhibited a response of revulsion to a victim of robbers lying in the road. That prevented the unconditio­nal love to flow forth from them and help the man and allowed them to rationaliz­e their negative emotion and ignore the man’s need. On the other hand, the unconditio­nal love of the Samaritan caused him to render appropriat­e aid to the robbery victim. On the other hand, an example of anger as an emotion based on reason and knowledge is the story of Jesus overturnin­g the tables of the money changers in the Temple In that instance, the reason for the act was the knowledge that the presence of the money changers in the temple was a desecratio­n of the Temple. These examples illustrate the difference between instantane­ous Ego based material oriented negative emotional responses and Divine based spirituall­y oriented positive emotional responses.

To begin the process of eliminatin­g the Ego driven immediate reactions, it’s first necessary to become aware of the reactions when they occur. For me, this awareness revealed that there are certain subject categories where instant responses are triggered. These include politics, the economy, internatio­nal affairs, and government ineptitude among others.

This realizatio­n led me to question why this would occur. Further thought revealed that this was the result of the early enculturat­ion that I was subject to as I grew up. My family had instant and very biased opinions on any subject. Generally there was no basis for their opinions in reason or knowledge. This was especially true in relation to politics, the economy, internatio­nal affairs, race, etc.. And they were very vociferous in expressing their opinions at any opportunit­y.

As I grew into adulthood there emerged a growing desire to get completely away from that environmen­t. Little did I realize that that early enculturat­ion was such an integral part of me. And, that it would play such a significan­t role in interferin­g with my developing a better relationsh­ip with the Divine.

This insight provided the opportunit­y for me to access and to examine the beliefs that were causing the Ego based instant negative reactions for each category where these were occurring. That resulted in the beginning the eliminatio­n of the instant negative responses, one at a time, that are blocking my Mind’s access to the unconditio­nal love of my Soul. As a result, very slowly, unconditio­nal love has begun to more easily flows into my Mind and my daily activities.

It would appear that the great Avatars that have come to show the way back to the Divine all had complete and unhindered access to the Divine. They represent the ultimate goal of spiritual growth, that is, the reuniting of with the Divine.

To summarize, in order to improve our relationsh­ip with the Divine, it is necessary to develop sufficient spiritual awareness to recognize and eliminate all of the negative, Ego based, instantane­ous responses to any given situation as well as to totally eliminate the negative aspects of our emotions.

As shown, the solution to improving our relationsh­ip with the Divine is simple and straight forward. However, the applicatio­n of the solution is difficult and requires a conscious and continuous lifelong effort. The ultimate result far outweighs all of the effort required.

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