The Bakersfield Californian


- — Richard Thesken, Bakersfiel­d

President Trump’s continued refusal to concede in spite of a landslide defeat in the 2020 election obviously displays abhorrent, petulant, entitled and delusional behavior on his part, but unfortunat­ely, it shouldn’t come as a shock, given his complete lack of honesty and character displayed over the past four years. He even “showed his hand” in the run-up to the 2016 election, when he stated that he would only accept the results of the election against Hillary Clinton if he won, and again in the 2020 campaign, saying that the only way he could lose the election against Joe Biden is if the election was rigged.

That sort of delusional thinking is how dictators in authoritar­ian regimes maintain power, and until recently, had never been seen in our body politic. That attitude is analogous to a sports team claiming that the only way it could lose any games on its schedule is if the other teams cheat.

Trump’s baseless claims of massive voter fraud have been widely debunked by the DHS and DOJ, by all 50 state secretarie­s of state, by federal judges, including many who were appointed by Trump, and even by a very conservati­ve SCOTUS, which has thrown out all 40-plus of Trump’s frivolous and baseless lawsuits.

The real shame and tragedy in this sad national episode is that this “greatest of Trump’s con jobs” is being bolstered by other Republican elected officials, including Kevin McCarthy, who if they didn’t lack a spine, could put an end to this insanity immediatel­y.

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