The Bakersfield Californian

Anatomy of a BU

It may be embarrassi­ng, but belching typically isn’t a health issue. Here’s what you need to know.

- By Nicole Pajer Visit

When we were little, we burped on command to impress our siblings and friends or to annoy our parents. As the years have gone by, we may have belched now and again after sipping a glass of sparkling water or eating a large meal. What causes all that burping? Is it normal? We asked the experts to give us the scoop.


Belching is the forcible removal or expelling of air, usually up the esophagus and through the mouth, says Gil Weitzman, M.D., a gastroente­rology specialist in New York City. When there is air in the stomach, the ring valve that separates the esophagus and stomach (the lower esophageal sphincter) relaxes.

“It opens up and the air from the stomach comes back up into the esophagus and then is erupted out,” says Scott Gabbard, M.D., a gastroente­rologist at Cleveland Clinic.


You’ve swallowed air Normal belching can occur for lots of reasons, one of them being the process of eating. “We swallow air when we swallow food,” explains Weitzman. Eating may then trigger your body to let out a burp in order to release some of that excess air. And the larger the meal, the more you may need to belch. “If your stomach couldn’t vent, it would get very large and uncomforta­ble,” Gabbard says. So the natural response to eating large meals is that the valve releases, allowing you to belch. Eating soup, where you swallow air with each bite, also can be a burp booster.

You’re eating something fatty Studies show that meals high in fat can make the bottom valve of the esophagus relax and allow air to come back up. “Meals that contain 20 grams of fat or higher, like cheeseburg­ers and fries or a big steak,” can be a culprit, Gabbard says.

You’re eating something very dry. One example: “If you bite into a peanut butter sandwich without a beverage to wash it down, you start swallowing a few times to help it go down. And then air follows,” Gabbard says.

You’re eating on the go or in a hurry. Eating too quickly can cause you to swallow more air and activate a belch. Chewing gum can trigger the same reaction.

You’re swallowing bubbles. Drinking carbonated beverages, like a ca f s `a r yav re` seltzer, may result in you belching out carbon dioxide.


Burps are not all created equal. Belching also can be caused by stomach ulcers, gastr es p agea reyuÝ ` sease (GERD), small intestinal bacteria overgrowth (SIBO), asthma, lactose intoleranc­e, hiatal hernia or an H. pylori bacterial infection. Talk with your doctor if you suspect your belching is more than just the everyday release of air, if your burping is affecting your quality of life or


That’s the average number of belches healthy participan­ts in a study had in a 24- hour period

if you’re exhibiting additional symptoms, such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing, weight loss or black stools. Many of these conditions can be treated with over-the-counter medication­s.

Patients with chronic burping might have what is called supragastr­ic belching, says Joan Chen, M.D., a University of Michigan gastroente­rologist who specialize­s in the upper GI tract and esophagus. “That occurs when people either behavioral­ly or subconscio­usly suck in air and, without air even reaching the stomach, expel

the air. These patients can have 20 belches in a minute or more,” she says. This is often a behavioral condition and can be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy.

for simple diet changes that can ease heartburn.

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