The Bakersfield Californian



In the last couple of weeks, The California­n Opinion section has had the writings of two Trump supporters who have told outright lies about his accomplish­ments. The first was about Trump calling the National Guard on Jan. 6, the other about immigratio­n, low interest rates, bringing back businesses back to the USA, etc.

First we know that Trump made no effort to bring in the National Guard. He was too busy watching and laughing, while his followers tried to destroy the Capitol. To the second letter, he needs to remember that most of the things he gives Trump credit for, are things that were implemente­d by Obama.

There has been a problem at the border, ever since I can remember, and not one president has come up with a solution. Doubt that interest rates were any lower under Trump. Claims we dropped from organizati­ons that hate us? When Trump pulled out of the Iran deal, the first thing they did was ramp up production of nuclear materials.

The Paris Accord is the best thing going to defend against climate change. As far as standing up against all of the dictators mentioned, those were Trumps heroes. ISIS is still alive, and thriving. Obama set records in low employment, more Blacks hired in his last six months, than in the four years of Trump. Obama broke records on Wall Street that Trump tries to take credit for. An executive Order promoting free speech and religious liberty? Doesn’t the First Amendment do that?

— Floyd Roberts, Wasco

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