The Bakersfield Californian

Don’t feed the bears! But birds OK, new Tahoe research shows


RENO, Nev. — Don’t feed the bears!

Wildlife biologists and forest rangers have preached the mantra for nearly a century at national parks like Yellowston­e and Yosemite, and for decades in areas where urban developmen­t increasing­ly invaded native wildlife habitat.

But don’t feed the birds? That may be a different story — at least for one bird species at Lake Tahoe.

Snowshoe and cross-country ski enthusiast­s routinely feed the tiny mountain chickadees high above the north shore of the alpine lake on the California-Nevada border. The black-capped birds of Chickadee Ridge will even perch on extended hands to snatch offered seeds.

New research from University of Nevada scientists found that supplement­ing the chickadees’ natural food sources with food provided in feeders or by hand did not negatively impact them, as long as proper food is used and certain rules are followed.

“It’s a wonderful experience when the birds fly around and land on your hand to grab food. We call it ‘becoming a Disney princess,’” said Benjamin Sonnenberg, a biologist/ behavioral ecologist who co-authored the six-year study.

But he also recognized “there’s always the question of when it is appropriat­e or not appropriat­e to feed birds in the wild.”

State wildlife officials said this week they generally frown on feeding wildlife.

But Nevada Department of Wildlife spokeswoma­n Ashley Sanchez acknowledg­ed concerns about potential harm are based on speculatio­n, not scientific data.

The latest research project under the wings of Professor Vladimir Pravosudov’s Chickadee Cognition Lab establishe­d feeders in the Forest Service’s Mount Rose Wilderness and tracked population­s of mountain chickadees at two elevations — both those that did and didn’t visit feeders.

“If we saw increases in the population size or decreases in the population size, that could mean we were hurting the animals by feeding them,” co-author Joseph Welklin said. “Our study shows that feeding these mountain chickadees in the wild during the winter has no effect on their population dynamics.”

Sonnenberg said he understood concerns about supplement­ing food for wild creatures at Tahoe, where bears attracted to garbage get into trouble that sometimes turns fatal, and not for humans.

The bears may ultimately be killed because they no longer fear people.

He grew up in Bozeman, Montana, and has fond memories of grizzly and black bears at Yellowston­e National Park where he learned at an early age “not to intentiona­lly or to accidental­ly feed them.”

“Feeding wildlife is context-specific and comes with nuance,” he said.

Bear-human conflicts were extremely rare at Tahoe when Ranger Smith started battling Yogi and Boo-Boo over “pic-a-nic” baskets at fictional Jellystone Park in the popular cartoon that debuted in 1960. But between 1960 and 1980 the human population around Lake Tahoe exploded from 10,000 to 50,000 — 90,000 in the summer.

Peak days now approach 300,000 visitors. The growth spurred more developmen­t encroachin­g on native bear habitat, which led some so-called “garbage bears” to become dependent on unsecured trash for food. In a few cases, wildlife officials have blamed resulting bear deaths on north Tahoe residents feeding bears in their backyards.

 ?? JENNIFER KENT / UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO VIA AP ?? This photo provided by the University of Nevada, Reno shows researcher­s from the University of Nevada, Reno Chickadee Cognition Lab Joseph Welklin, left, and Benjamin Sonnenberg, right, feed wild Mountain Chickadees pine nuts and black oil sunflower seeds at Chickadee Ridge in Mount Rose Meadows, Nevada, Jan. 6.
JENNIFER KENT / UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO VIA AP This photo provided by the University of Nevada, Reno shows researcher­s from the University of Nevada, Reno Chickadee Cognition Lab Joseph Welklin, left, and Benjamin Sonnenberg, right, feed wild Mountain Chickadees pine nuts and black oil sunflower seeds at Chickadee Ridge in Mount Rose Meadows, Nevada, Jan. 6.

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