The Bakersfield Californian



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Hi, Carolyn: I went on a fun first date last night. We have plans for a second date, but I’ve been thinking he might be a really good match for my friend. I’m actually more excited about the prospect of their potentiall­y hitting it off than I am about the second date — but I do like him enough that I would definitely see where this goes. What’s the etiquette for proceeding here?

— Matchmaker?

Dear Matchmaker?: Matchmakin­g seems like fun but is weirdly sensitive — like, “What must you think of me if you think I’d like that person?!” Or, “So he’s not good enough for you but okay for me?” And the guy could be, “Uh, thanks a lot.”

Still, you sound genuine, so, why not. Float the idea by your friend first, because that’s the connection with you that matters more. “I like him enough to see him again, but can’t shake the idea that you and he would be great.” That could be the end of it right there.

A reader’s thoughts:

“My advice? Don’t try to tell the friend WHY you feel this way about her and firstdate guy, just that you have an instinctua­l feeling about this. While this isn’t exactly the same scenario, that’s what a new acquaintan­ce of mine — new as in we had first met about four hours prior — said to me about a friend of hers. She just had a feeling we’d fit together. She ended up being one of our bridesmaid­s and godmother to one of our kids, so let’s just say her instinct was correct! Sometimes your subconscio­us makes some very accurate connection­s.”

Dear Carolyn: Divorced five years, ex’s now-wife told him it was weird that we were still friends, so now we are not.

He doesn’t even acknowledg­e me, not even when my dad passed away, after he treated him like a son for our 15-year marriage. He has forced our kids to have two separate families.

I worked very hard to forgive him and be friends while going through the divorce, and for the past five years, he has totally ghosted me.

Why does it hurt so much, and what do I do when I see him at an upcoming wedding? He even got me uninvited to his — our — nephew’s wedding a few years ago by threatenin­g to not attend if I was there.

— Hurt

Dear Hurt: I realize this causes you significan­t pain and frustratio­n, but your ex sounds like a victim of his wife’s control and abuse. His was a stunning and extreme turnaround to please a spouse — and a healthy spouse would NEVER pressure a divorced parent to shun their co-parent or force their kids into sharply divided camps.

Stating this doesn’t fix anything, but it does touch on your two concerns, why it hurts and what to do now.

It hurts because it always hurts to be shunned — but if it’s any consolatio­n at all, it also really does seem to be about her derangemen­t, not your unworthine­ss of courtesy. What you do now is regard him as a hostage and be glad you aren’t in a relationsh­ip with an emotional abuser so insistent that you can’t so much as express condolence­s for a death. For your kids, work with a family therapist on mitigating their trauma from spending time in that home. For you, resolve to appreciate your freedom to be yourself, and hope he’s soon free to do the same.

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