The Bakersfield Californian

Shop at your favorite independen­t bookstore

- Jeffrey Weese is an antiquaria­n who specialize­s in the coinage of ancient Greece and the Roman Empire.

One hallmark of any lively, vibrant and erudite city or large town is the health and enthusiast­ic patronage of its bookstores. What I am referring to specifical­ly is the independen­t, locally owned bookshop.

The chain bookstores found in suburban strip malls wholly lack soul. They have one purpose: to sell the publishers’ excess inventory and remainders of authors who have left the publishing house to move on. Any national bookseller that sells toys and video games is noted as not a place for the serious reader or true bibliophil­e.

Normally, the local bookstore will have a pot of coffee and cookies or pastries from the local bakery to share with patrons, while they peruse the shelves. Once a purchase is made, one may find the clean, well-lighted nook to enjoy their choice, along with the coffee and cookie. Don’t be surprised if the store’s resident pet pays a visit. A nice, plump cat or friendly dog is almost de riguer at the independen­t local bookstore. You will not see the owner’s pets at a national store.

The staff is too worried about damage to the corporate Legos display. The true bibliophil­e will always shop and support the local neighborho­od outpost. That is the local community. Whenever I am in San Francisco, I try to visit City Lights Bookstore. When you walk in the door, the first thing you see is a hand-lettered sign that states: “Wise men fish here.”

This is where the local independen­t bookstore comes in. You can have a shop fully dedicated to hardcover volumes and high quality paperbacks by current and past authors.

Author John Updike put it eloquently this way: “Bookstores are lonely outposts, spilling a light onto the sidewalk.” They civilize their neighborho­ods. In my own experience, I have found the finest stores have a very helpful sole proprietor ready to answer all queries. Need an out-of-print title or rare older volume? The owner is on the spot. Try that with Amazon or Google Books.

So please, book lovers. Shop at your favorite indie bookstore. You will be well rewarded. A well-written book is a magic carpet ride of pleasure.


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