The Bakersfield Californian



- Need Carolyn’s advice? Email your questions to

Dear Carolyn: What to do when you recognize controllin­g traits in yourself? I’m certainly not mean, I don’t yell and I don’t make loaded “jokes,” but I tend to drop many, many hints about healthy eating and going to the gym and laying off the TV whenever my significan­t other doesn’t do these things, because his family is all overweight, they have serious health problems, etc. I get worried that my SO will become like that, too — so I get totally irritating and out of line. How to stop? — Va.

You do two things you already know are difficult:

1. You override your hint impulse and say what you mean (“I’m worried that your eating habits are killing you”) — or bite your tongue. If you’re not sure which route to take, one tiebreaker can be to ask yourself whether you’d appreciate his making such comments to you. It’s long for a mantra, but it works: If it’s useful and worth saying, then it’s worth saying it straight.

2. You accept that grown men and women are the ones who decide what they eat and watch.

You, for your part, had choices of your own — including whether to commit to someone who has bad habits and family health history. You also get to decide whether to stay, and (this is big) whether your irritating hint-drops have helped his health, his confidence or your relationsh­ip, even remotely.

Think about it. Have your efforts changed his habits? So often, people justify their controllin­g tendencies as a choice: Do something, or watch your loved one die. So often, though, it’s a false choice, where the real choice is: Enjoy your mate while you can, or nag your mate while you can. His


habits may well be shortening his life, but if your hints do nothing to counteract that, then an attitude change is in order. You buy and cook and order only healthy foods, you invite him to join you in your active lifestyle, and you understand that he’ll do with these as he chooses. Let go, and love. Another mantra to try.

Dear Carolyn: I have had a pretty great boyfriend for six years.

With one problem: He is dreadfully behind on his taxes. I mean many, many years of not filing. It’s not because he doesn’t have the money. Rather, he can’t organize himself to file his back taxes. And yes, it impacts me: We can’t buy a house together or get married because I am afraid to commingle funds with him.

How stupid am I being? Will he ever get to this? (He keeps saying “This is the year.”) I keep referring him to good accountant­s, offering to help him myself, etc. Help. — Am I Back In The “Man-Fixing” Hole?

I was mentally composing an answer, and then I read your signature.

Yes, you’re back in the hole. If this weren’t a pattern, then your math would be simple: Does he bring you enough joy to make it a privilege and pleasure to be (or hire) his life organizer? But a pattern means you’ve rationaliz­ed problems before, which means you approach the “privilege and pleasure” assessment with fierce skepticism. Either you both throw yourselves, without reservatio­ns, into addressing his life chaos, or this project’s not leaving the shop.

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