The Bakersfield Californian



1784: The United States ratified the Treaty of Paris ending the Revolution­ary War; Britain followed suit in April.

1914: Ford Motor Co. greatly improved its assembly-line operation by employing an endless chain to pull each chassis along at its Highland Park, Mich., plant.

1943: President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and French Gen. Charles de Gaulle opened a wartime conference in Casablanca.

1952: NBC’s “Today” show premiered, with Dave Garroway as host.

1954: Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio were married at San Francisco City Hall.

1963: George C. Wallace was sworn in as governor of Alabama with the pledge, “Segregatio­n forever!” — a view he later repudiated.

1964: Former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy, in a brief televised address, thanked Americans for their condolence­s and messages of support following the assassinat­ion of her husband, President John F. Kennedy, nearly two months earlier.

1967: The “Summer of Love” unofficial­ly began with a “Human Be-In” involving tens of thousands of young people at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco.

1970: Diana Ross and the Supremes performed their last concert together, at the Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas.

1975: The House Internal Security Committee (formerly the House Un-American Activities Committee) was disbanded.

1994: President Bill Clinton and Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed an accord to stop aiming missiles at any nation; the leaders joined Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk in signing an accord to dismantle the nuclear arsenal of Ukraine.

2010: President Barack Obama and the U.S. moved to take charge in earthquake-ravaged Haiti, dispatchin­g thousands of troops along with tons of aid.

2013: Cyclist Lance Armstrong ended a decade of denial by confessing to Oprah Winfrey during a videotaped interview that he’d used performanc­e-enhancing drugs to win the Tour de France.

2022: The Australian government revoked the visa of tennis star Novak Djokovic for a second time as he fought to stay in the country and compete in the Australian Open despite being unvaccinat­ed for COVID-19.

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