The Bakersfield Californian


- ADVICE WITH ATTITUDE & A GROUNDED SET OF VALUES Need Carolyn’s advice? Email her at; follow her on Facebook at; or chat with her online at 9 a.m. Pacific time each Friday at www.washington­

Hi, Carolyn: I’ve always considered myself an independen­t person. I am a married, full-time working mother of two young children, so I’ve got my hands full, but I’ve always prided myself on striking a balance between work and family. I’ve always had a strong opinion that there is no place in a marriage for cheaters — that if my husband ever cheated on me, there would be no lingering, I’d be out the door. My mother stayed in her marriage after my father had an affair. I saw how that affected her, and I never wanted that.

Well, now I’m in the same situation. My husband of seven years just revealed to me that he had an affair for five months with a woman he works with. He says that it was purely physical, and that he loves me and our children and will do anything to make our marriage work. He has volunteere­d to go to counseling.

The problem is I still love him. He is a great father, my best friend, and I can’t imagine my life without him. How do I reconcile my feelings of hypocrisy if I choose to stay with him?

— Hypocrite?

Dear Hypocrite?: There are lots of problems here, but loving your husband isn’t one of them. If anything, it’s helping you. Labels, on the other hand, are a problem.

Fortunatel­y, they’re shallow enough — and our nimble language is deep enough — that you can always push one aside with another. Where you say “hypocrite,” I can say “naive” (in your view of your parents’ marriage), or “rigid” (in your applicatio­n of those youthful life lessons), or “enlightene­d” (in your current, post-apocalypti­c state). It’s all in how you process your facts.

Your husband cheated. He says he wants to make amends. He could just be saving his butt. You love him. He’s a good father. He’s your best friend. You are not interested in ending the marriage.

Just because these facts come as a complete surprise to you doesn’t mean you should ignore or distrust them.

Please take this and any other relevant informatio­n and make your best decision. No one is making you fit into your preconceiv­ed notions of marriage or family or your “independen­t” self.

Dear Carolyn: All my good friends are friends with my recent ex, whose mention is still pretty painful for me.

I’ve tried telling them I’m not ready to talk about him yet, but they can’t help mentioning him in passing when he’s so relevant to everyone’s lives still. I know he sees them when I don’t, and I don’t want to be possessive, but I feel uncomforta­ble with that. Time for new friends? Or am I being unreasonab­le?

— D.C.

Dear D.C.: It’s perfectly reasonable to ask friends to spare you detailed reports on your painfully recent ex. They owe you that.

To ask them not to mention him “in passing,” though, when he’s still their friend, is to make your problem into everyone else’s.

Life is really painful sometimes. Sometimes you have to watch other people enjoy something you recently lost. Sometimes you have to accept there are limits to what your community can do, and there are things you must face on your own, even when you’re in agony.

Facing your loss, in turn, means there’s no place for “pretending” — not for your friends, and definitely not for you. He exists. He interacts with your friends. He laughs. He will love again, maybe soon. He didn’t evaporate.

But neither did you. So, tell yourself this until you believe it: “I want us both to be happy again.” Then figure out conscious steps you can take to hold up your end of that deal.

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