The Bakersfield Californian



- — M.K., In Florida Send your hints to Heloise@

Dear Heloise: I wanted to write in regarding the tip from Susan I., in Yuma, Arizona, about drinking more water. Ladies, please realize that 8 glasses of water is only a recommenda­tion for what might be considered the weight of an “average” woman. I had followed this guideline at one time and was shocked when my physician informed me that my body did not have enough sodium, since I am very thin. I was in danger of having my brain shrink!

I learned that there is a formula to follow: Take your body weight in pounds, then divide it in half. The result is how many ounces of water you should consume in a day. In other words, if you weigh 128 pounds and divide it in half, you would drink 64 ounces (8 cups) a day. Adjust your intake up or down according to your weight. Of course, if you are out in the heat or doing vigorous exercise, you would then have to increase your intake.

— Annie R., The Villages, Florida

Dear Heloise: Frugal plumber here! Everyone likes to make fun of plumbers when they bend over, but I do not have that problem. I stretch cotton materials before I put them in the dryer or hang them to dry. Doing this makes some quite a bit longer; it adds over 4 inches to my shirts, even after the dryer. I also do this with my young kid’s clothes. Pants and shirts will last months and are longer for length.

I read you in the Charles City Press. — Allen Pederson, Via Email

Dear Heloise: I ordered books from a secondary seller on Amazon. They arrived with a very moldy smell, but didn’t have any visible mold. I had about 1/3 of a bucket of scented, clumping cat litter. I laid a paper towel in the bucket on top of the litter, then stood the books fanned out inside of the bucket. I closed the lid and left them in there for two days. All the books came out smelling great, and the cat litter was still usable. — J.W., In California

Dear Heloise: I have been using hand sanitizers (not liquid soap) to clean my prescripti­on eye glasses for years. Works perfectly.

— Allen Haas, Via Email

Dear Heloise: If you’re packing up china or other tableware, puppy training pads are an excellent choice for protecting the fragile cargo. They fold and layer easily between plates, so a single pad can protect three to four plates.

You can also cut the pads in half for smaller saucers and plates. Just find the cheapest options online or at your local big-box store.

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