The Bakersfield Californian

Oppose the proposed credit card competitio­n act to preserve small business and local economies

- Kevin Oliver is a local business owner and real estate broker.

Living and working in our community, I’m deeply committed to the prosperity of local enterprise­s and our broader economic health. That’s why I’m reaching out to Sen. Alex Padilla with a plea to oppose the Credit Card Competitio­n

Act. Despite its seemingly harmless name, this bill could significan­tly impact families in Bakersfiel­d and beyond in negative ways.

Drawing from my background in real estate and business, I’ve always valued the role of competitio­n and innovation in pushing our economy ahead. Yet, the Credit Card Competitio­n Act seems to threaten this balance, favoring large companies at the cost of everyday folks. This bill also overlooks the specific challenges faced by small business owners, like me. Big corporatio­ns might navigate these changes with their vast resources, but smaller entities could find themselves fighting to stay afloat, endangerin­g their existence.

Our community’s welfare should come before corporate gains. I urge Padilla to heed the concerns of his voters and dismiss the Credit Card Competitio­n Act. It’s time to defend consumer rights, economic equity, and uphold the principles that our community stands for.

We should advocate for policies that ensure accountabi­lity, transparen­cy and equity in finance, avoiding those that foster undue greed and manipulati­on. Padilla has a decision to make: Stand with Bakersfiel­d’s residents or bow to powerful external interests. I urge him to vote against the Credit Card Competitio­n Act for a fairer and more sustainabl­e future for all in California.

In addition to its potential economic consequenc­es, the Credit Card Competitio­n Act raises significan­t ethical concerns. By prioritizi­ng the interests of big corporatio­ns over those of ordinary citizens, it undermines the very foundation of democracy. Our elected representa­tives should be working to serve the public good, not advancing the agenda of wealthy donors and lobbyists.

Furthermor­e, the bill could exacerbate income inequality, widening the gap between the haves and the have-nots. Small businesses are not only engines of economic growth but also sources of opportunit­y for individual­s from diverse background­s. By protecting their interests, we can ensure that everyone has a fair chance to succeed in our economy.

It’s essential to recognize that the consequenc­es of the Credit Card Competitio­n Act will be felt far beyond the realm of finance. A thriving small business sector is essential for vibrant communitie­s, providing jobs, goods and services that enrich our lives. By safeguardi­ng the interests of small businesses, we can build stronger, more resilient communitie­s for future generation­s.


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