The Bakersfield Californian



- — Heloise

Dear Readers: When washing your walls, dust them before washing and wash them from the bottom up so that the drips won’t leave their marks. Clean one small area at a time, then rinse and dry before moving on to another area.

— Heloise

Dear Heloise: I have found that using my rice cooker for old fashioned oats is very easy.

I put 2 1/4 cups of water and a dash of salt in my 6-cup rice cooker and let the water warm up. I then put a crumbled nut granola bar and 2 tablespoon­s of peanut butter in, then let it melt while stirring. Next, I add 2 cups of old fashioned rolled oats. After the oats start to boil, I turn off the rice cooker and let them sit for 10 minutes. Then I serve and enjoy!

Dear Readers: — J.B., Via Email

You can remove most mildew from the grouting between tiles by rubbing it with an old toothbrush dipped in laundry bleach.

Don’t use abrasive powders or steel wool pads because they will scratch the tile. Rinse with clear water after cleaning. — Heloise

Dear Heloise:

I love peanut butter cookies, and so does my family.

I often used a fork to mash a crisscross pattern in the middle. Then I sprinkled some brown sugar on top, and they always turned out delicious. But I had another idea:

I now use a potato masher. It works just as well. I dampen the masher, then dip it into brown sugar. Then I just press the pattern into the cookies. Works like a charm! — L.B., Dallas

Dear Readers: Want to display flowers, but don’t have a vase? Just about anything that holds water can work as a vase. For example, you can display flowers in a crystal ice bucket, fluted champagne glasses, mugs or cocktail pitchers.

Don’t throw away your favorite crystal water glass or pitcher when it has a chip in it. Use it to hold fresh or artificial flowers. Silk flowers can be arranged in your favorite containers that don’t hold water. — Heloise

Dear Heloise: Calypso is a Maine coon who plays dominos. Today she is 13 years old and my constant companion. Warm regards!

— Mary Metcalf, Rotonda West, Florida

Readers, to see Calypso and our other Pet Pals, go to and click on “Pet of the Week.”

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