The Bergen Record

Long-distance couple tries to hash out their future together

- Contact Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Dear Abby: I’ve been separated and divorced for two years. A year ago, I met a man through a mutual friend. He was also going through a divorce. We started communicat­ing, fell in love and have been traveling back and forth between Ohio, where he works and lives, and New Jersey, where I am.

He wants me to quit my job and find a new one so we can make our relationsh­ip permanent in Ohio. I’m a sales support coordinato­r for a broker, and I have been with the company for some time. There’s no guarantee I could find a job that pays as well as this one does. He has his own business and also cares for his elderly aunt and uncle.

I want to be with him, but at my age (60), I’m hesitant to start a new job. Also, I’d be leaving my adult kids behind and would miss them dearly. It’s a dilemma because I want to be able to see my kids as often as we can, but I also love this man and want to share my life with him. How do I figure this out?

Hard Decisions To Make Dear Hard Decisions:

Your work is cut out for you. Before making any decisions, do some exploring. Would moving out of state guarantee that you would have to sacrifice your well-paying job? Many people work remotely these days, and it wouldn’t hurt to ask if it would be possible for you to do that with your current company. Are there similar job openings in the city where your gentleman friend lives?

Relocating to Ohio would not necessaril­y mean you would no longer see your adult children. They could visit, and the reverse is also true. Other families surmount this challenge and so could you. Give yourself some time to decide what is right for you.

Dear Abby: I am divorced and have an adult son. He hasn’t been back for four or five years. His dad had a heart attack, so my son took a few days to come home. I texted to see how his dad was doing and got only short responses. My son made no attempt to see me while he was here – not a one-hour visit or even a phone call.

I have never been so hurt. I am beyond devastated. I know it’s not about me, but I have feelings, and I feel like I don’t exist to either of them. My ex and I are both in relationsh­ips. Should I quit trying to communicat­e with my son? I don’t want to do this, but spin it any way you want, he didn’t want to see me. So, is it, “When a door closes, quit knocking”? I am crushed. What should I do? Still Mom in Canada

Dear Mom: Your son’s visit was not about you. It was about his father who had suffered a heart attack and could have died. It’s entirely possible that your son had his hands full dealing with his dad and the circumstan­ces surroundin­g his treatment and care. If you hadn’t seen your son in four or five years, you may not have been that close to begin with. Leave it alone. If you continue to pursue and personaliz­e this, you will only drive your son further away.

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