The Bergen Record

BroadwayCo­n is built on community, love for theater

- Ilana Keller

At the end of a panel showcasing Broadway understudi­es and alternates, a father sitting next to his young daughter took a moment to thank the participan­ts.

“You helped me see how smart my daughter is,” he said with a laugh, adding she always excitedly welcomes opening her Playbill to see understudy slips while other members of the audience groan.

It was a small moment, but perhaps it sums up the best parts of BroadwayCo­n, the convention celebratin­g all things theater, which took place July 26 to 28 at the New York Hilton Midtown.

The panel peeled back the curtain on the world of understudi­es, swings and alternates, educating those in attendance on what they do and how talented they are. It also entertaine­d, with incredible performanc­es and stories from Miki Abraham, Aubrey Matalon and Mia Pinero.


BroadwayCo­n, the brainchild of Anthony Rapp (“Rent”), Melissa Anelli and Stephanie Dornhelm, has been bringing fans, stars, technical wizards, historians and creative teams together for nine years.

Over three days, there were panels, performanc­es, game shows, profession­al skills workshops, a marketplac­e full of theater memorabili­a and merchandis­e — and cosplayers around every corner.

At BroadwayCo­n, a spontaneou­s sing-along is just as likely to break out as a heated “discussion” about the best Mama Rose.

If a performer mentions something utterly bizarre that happened to them during a performanc­e seven years ago, the odds are pretty good someone in the audience will pop up and say “I was there.”

It just draws that kind of fan.

Everyone from Broadway newbies to seasoned profession­als can find something to keep them happy, whether it’s a Dungeons & Dragons demonstrat­ion, a discussion about puppetry onstage, a look at the intersecti­on of autism and theater, or a chat with “Parade” playwright Alfred Uhry.

Attendees saw a look at current hits like “Suffs” and “The Outsiders,” as well as a sneak peek at upcoming Broadway production­s.

Longtime favorite James Monroe Iglehart (“Aladdin,” “Hamilton”) offered a spellbindi­ng rendition of the title track of the upcoming “A Wonderful World” musical, based on the life of Louis Armstrong. Iglehart later gave some insight into his transforma­tion into the iconic jazzman during the Blizzard Party Line, an annual call-in event born during the very first BroadwayCo­n, when a blizzard paralyzed the city.

Other notable moments throughout the weekend included a Disney on Broadway 30th anniversar­y singalong from Kara Lindsay (“Newsies”), Patti Murin (“Frozen”), Josh Strickland (“Tarzan”) and Marcus Martin, who is soon to join “Aladdin” on Broadway after playing the Genie on the road.

Ben Cameron handled Mainstage hosting duties with his usual humor, knowledge and perfect blend of theater love and irreverenc­e.

L Morgan Lee spoke for many when she said how much she looks forward to seeing the same folks every year and hearing about their accomplish­ments.

BroadwayCo­n 2025

For its 10th anniversar­y, BroadwayCo­n announced a surprise that was welcome news to many attendees — it’s returning to its winter roots. BroadwayCo­n 2025 will take place Feb. 7 to 9 at the New York Hilton Midtown.

For ticket updates, expected guests and more informatio­n, visit broadwayco­

 ?? ILANA KELLER PHOTOS/ASBURY PARK PRESS ?? The cast of “The Outsiders” performs at BroadwayCo­n 2024, which took place July 26 to 28 at the New York Hilton Midtown in Manhattan.
ILANA KELLER PHOTOS/ASBURY PARK PRESS The cast of “The Outsiders” performs at BroadwayCo­n 2024, which took place July 26 to 28 at the New York Hilton Midtown in Manhattan.
 ?? ?? Marcus Martin, Josh Strickland and Patti Murin during a Disney on Broadway sing-a-long at BroadwayCo­n 2024 at the New York Hilton Midtown in Manhattan.
Marcus Martin, Josh Strickland and Patti Murin during a Disney on Broadway sing-a-long at BroadwayCo­n 2024 at the New York Hilton Midtown in Manhattan.

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