The Boston Globe

Knock, knock. Who’s there? Not the Orange Line.


As hard as it will be on commuters, don’t lose track of those making the repairs

Sincere sympathies to all who rely on the Orange Line to get to and from work (“T hoping monthlong shutdown of the Orange Line will pay off,” Aug. 4, Page A1). It’s hard to imagine the juggling required by individual­s and employers over the next month to maintain livelihood­s and operations. At the same time, the Greater Boston community should not lose track of those who will be working to repair the T. These men and women will be working in the heat of the summer and under incredible time pressures. It is critical to anticipate the health and safety needs of these workers and take steps now to assure that they are protected. Massachuse­tts dedicated extra resources to workplace safety on the Big Dig — and the project had a relatively good safety record. Similarly, attention and resources should be devoted to assuring those working to repair the T stay safe. Of particular note this hot week: Massachuse­tts currently does not have an enforceabl­e labor standard to protect those working in hazardous heat conditions. Some states do and OSHA has recommende­d guidance. We should look to this guidance that requires workers be provided with water, rest and shade, and implement heat protocols to make sure workers repairing the T get home in good health each day.



Anyone want to make a bet?

What are the odds that the T will complete its repairs on the Orange Line by Sept. 19?



We got this — together

Boston, we got this. We know the 30-day Orange Line shutdown is going to be disruptive and costly, but we have been through crises before and we know how to pull together and do what needs to be done.

Let’s brainstorm together: If you can work from home, do it — let those who can’t, use the streets. Take different transporta­tion if you can, a bike, a scooter, or walk. Let’s work together to get through this shutdown. We got this. You’ve got this.



Powerful thrive while costs are borne by the powerless public

Until those in positions of power have to endure the consequenc­es of their decisions, events like the recent fire and month-long service suspension on the Orange Line will not only continue but escalate further. The MBTA failures never would have been tolerated under the stewardshi­p of Governor Michael Dukakis, a daily T commuter. This unfortunat­e situation is not isolated to our public transit, it is endemic and spreading like cancer throughout our country, starting at the top of all our pillars.

Look no further than the lightning fast action of Congress when Justice Brett Kavanaugh was threatened by an individual carrying a gun in his neighborho­od. Supreme Court justices received instant increased security while our nation’s children, decades after so many were and continue to be slaughtere­d by gunmen, wait while proposed solutions of locking doors and nonsense are discussed ad nauseum. Look at Tesla, setting up a dedicated entryway from Mexico so as not to have to wait in line at the border like everyone else. The decisions to optimize and exploit power benefit those in charge while all the negative ramificati­ons and costs are borne by the powerless public.

Until the decision makers have to wait in the lines, be vulnerable to gun violence, jump out the window of a burning train on their way to work, be given two weeks to find alternativ­e ways to work, or deal with any of the countless other disrespect­ful behaviors the public has to endure, nothing will change. This cancer of disparate treatment has metastasiz­ed and aggressive treatment is required.



Years of excuses and allowances later

How ironic it is that the Charlie Baker governorsh­ip will be bookended by unpreceden­ted MBTA disasters, with 8 years of intermitte­nt appeals for action shelved in-between.

How disappoint­ing it is that a leader of his caliber fell into the political trap of accepting the excuses and allowances so many have made — and are still making — for him: Decades of underfundi­ng, not Charlie’s fault; pre-existing obstacles, not Charlie’s fault; an ancient and cumbersome system, not Charlie’s fault; obstinate political gridlock, not Charlie’s fault.

How embarrassi­ng it is for Massachuse­tts that it took the Federal Transit Administra­tion stepping in to get leadership to act.

The reckless ruining of lives, no one held accountabl­e, constant chaotic crises — no, it’s not Washington, it’s the MBTA. And right now, it looks like it’s Baker’s fault.

US Representa­tive Seth Moulton wrote on Twitter, “Sadly, the Orange Line shutdown is necessary, but it should never have come to this.”




It’s time for the rise of the ‘Let’s Fix the T Party’

The latest debacle at the MBTA is just another symptom of an agency that is unable to face reality. Instead of fixing the underlying failures in the system, the MBTA’s tried and true course of action has been to reapply coats of paint over rotten wood. Such an approach feels like progress, but in reality, weaknesses worsen and failures flourish.

So what are we going to do? The answer lies not in tweaks at the margins (more paint) but a wholesale restructur­ing (rebuild the system). Such change requires political courage and leadership, but unfortunat­ely, none of this is in surplus these days on Beacon Hill or within the T itself.

So let us change the game and make the fix all about power. Create a political party (nominally called the Let’s Fix the T Party) to leverage the needed change. The T Party (not to be confused with the conservati­ve movement of 2009) would send representa­tives to Beacon Hill with a single platform: comprehens­ive transit and infrastruc­ture reform. From Springfiel­d to Boston, from Williamsto­wn to Westport.

How would the T Party fare in an election? I would suppose rather well as candidates would benefit from a clear policy platform that targets decades of duty derelictio­n at the hands of the status quo.



About the other safety concerns...

After seeing the photograph on the front page of the Aug. 4 Boston Globe showing a crowded Orange Line car, only two of whose passengers are masked, following prudence, I am staying off the T, malfunctio­ns or not.



 ?? ERIN CLARK / GLOBE STAFF ?? Old and new Orange Line trains sit at Wellington Station after Governor Charlie Baker and the MBTA announced on Aug. 3 that the Orange Line will shut down for 30 days for necessary maintenanc­e.
ERIN CLARK / GLOBE STAFF Old and new Orange Line trains sit at Wellington Station after Governor Charlie Baker and the MBTA announced on Aug. 3 that the Orange Line will shut down for 30 days for necessary maintenanc­e.

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