The Boston Globe

US pledges $1b more in rockets, other arms

- By Ellen Knickmeyer and Lolita C. Baldor

WASHINGTON — The Biden administra­tion said Monday it was shipping its biggest yet direct delivery of weapons to Ukraine as that country prepares for a potentiall­y decisive counteroff­ensive in the south against Russia, sending $1 billion in rockets, ammunition, and other material to Ukraine from Defense Department stockpiles.

The new US arms shipment would further strengthen Ukraine as it mounts the counteroff­ensive, which analysts say for the first time could allow Kyiv to shape the course of the rest of the war, now at the halfyear mark.

Kyiv aims to push Russian troops back out of Kherson and other southern territory near the Dnipro River. Russia in recent days was moving troops and equipment in the direction of the southern port cities to stave off the Ukrainian counteroff­ensive.

“At every stage of this conflict, we have been focused on getting the Ukrainians what they need, depending on the evolving conditions on the battlefiel­d,” said Colin Kahl, undersecre­tary of defense for policy, on Monday in announcing the new weapons shipment.

The new US aid includes additional rockets for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, or HIMARS, as well as thousands of artillery rounds, mortar systems, Javelins and other ammunition and equipment. Military commanders and other US officials say the HIMARS and artillery systems have been crucial in Ukraine’s fight to block Russia from taking more ground.

While the United States has already provided 16 HIMARS to Ukraine, Kahl said the new package does not include additional ones. “These are not systems that we assess you need in the hundreds to have the type of effects” needed, Kahl said. “These are precision-guided systems for very particular types of targets.”

He declined to say how many of the precision-guided missile systems for the HIMARS were included in Monday’s announceme­nt.

 ?? ALEX BRANDON/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? An Air Force staff sergeant checked pallets of 155mm shells bound for Ukraine.
ALEX BRANDON/ASSOCIATED PRESS An Air Force staff sergeant checked pallets of 155mm shells bound for Ukraine.

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