The Boston Globe

Arab League votes to readmit Syria, end US-led isolation

Hoping to return refugees, counter Iran’s influence

- By Vivian Yee

CAIRO — Arab nations agreed on Sunday to allow Syria to rejoin the Arab League, taking a crucial step toward ending the country’s internatio­nal ostracism more than a decade after it was suspended from the group over its use of ruthless force against its own people.

When Syria’s neighbors and peers ejected it from the 22member league in November 2011, months after its Arab Spring uprising began, the move was seen as a key condemnati­on of a government that had bombed, gassed, and tortured protesters and others in a conflict that metastasiz­ed into a long civil war.

Now, the region is normalizin­g relations, increasing­ly convinced that Arab countries are gaining little from isolating Syria, as the United States has urged them to. Refusing to deal with Syria means ignoring the reality that its government has all but won the war, proponents of engagement argue.

That leaves Syria poised for a triumphant return this month in Saudi Arabia at the Arab League’s next summit — perhaps represente­d by President Bashar Assad, the Syrian leader accused of committing war crimes against his own people over the past decade. Syria’s rehabilita­tion could unlock billions of dollars in reconstruc­tion projects and other investment­s for its tottering economy, further propping up Assad.

The circumstan­ces that led to Syria’s suspension have not changed; if anything, the bloodshed has only grown during the civil war that has consumed the country for the past 12 years, leaving Assad in power at home but a pariah everywhere else.

Hundreds of thousands of Syrians have died since the fighting broke out, and more than 14 million have fled their homes for other parts of Syria, neighborin­g countries or beyond, according to United Nations estimates.

“Today, Arab states have put their own cynical realpoliti­k and diplomatic agendas above basic humanity,” said Laila Kiki, the executive director of the Syria Campaign, a nonprofit organizati­on that supports Syrian civil society groups.

Revulsion at Assad’s actions, along with pressure from the United States, had left most of Syria’s Arab neighbors reluctant to engage with the government over the past decade. But the regional calculus has shifted. With the Syrian government in Damascus having retaken most of the country from opposition forces, it has been obvious for years that Assad is here to stay.

Neighborin­g countries including Lebanon and Jordan have been eager to work with Syria on sending refugees who fled there back home, while others hope to cooperate on efforts to stop the trade of Captagon, an illegal, addictive drug that the Syrian government has produced and sold as its economy has cratered.

The leading Middle Eastern power brokers, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, were also looking for a new approach to dealing with Iran, which wields deep influence in Syria after sending fighters and other aid to help Assad cling to power. Deciding that regional isolation had only driven Syria into the arms of Iran, the Gulf monarchies now hope to peel Assad away from Tehran by engaging with him.

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