The Boston Globe

Marlboroug­h school bus drivers settle strike

- By Claire Law GLOBE CORRESPOND­ENT Claire Law can be reached at

After a three day strike, school bus drivers in Marlboroug­h will be back on the job Thursday, according to the union, bus company, and school officials.

“I am thankful that the strike has been settled,” Marlboroug­h Public Schools Superinten­dent Mary Murphy wrote in an e-mail to the Globe. “I know the students and families have missed their drivers and are looking forward to seeing them tomorrow.”

Dozens of union drivers represente­d by Teamsters Local 170 went on strike Monday after failing to reach agreement on a new contract with North Reading Transporta­tion Bus Inc., the private contractor that provides bus service to Marlboroug­h schools.

The strike forced more than 3,800 students who ride the bus to find another way to get to school.

The company and union issued separate statements Wednesday night confirming the strike was over.

“NRT is pleased to report that they have reached an agreement with Teamsters Local 170 for the Marlboroug­h contract, effectivel­y ending the strike immediatel­y,” the company said.

Jim Marks, business agent for Local 170, said “All drivers will be reporting back to work,” Thursday morning.

The union also represents bus drivers in Framingham and Westboroug­h. Strikes in those districts were averted after the union and company were able to reach agreement on new contracts for drivers in those communitie­s, the Globe reported.

Details of the agreement were not released. The union earlier said it was seeking better wages, health care and retirement benefits for its members.

Marks said he will provide an other statement on Thursday.

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