The Boston Globe

Huge crowds march in Warsaw to protest government

Ruling party is seen as threat to Polish democracy

- By Vanessa Gera

WARSAW — Hundreds of thousands of people marched in an antigovern­ment protest in Poland’s capital on Sunday, with citizens traveling from across the country to voice their anger at officials who they say have eroded democratic norms and created fears that the nation is following Hungary and Turkey down the path to autocracy.

Warsaw Mayor Rafal Trzaskowsk­i, who belongs to the opposition party that led the march, estimated that 500,000 people took part. The Onet news portal estimated there there were at least 300,000 at the march's culminatio­n.

Large crowds also gathered in Krakow and other cities across the nation of 38 million people, showing frustratio­n with a government that critics accuse of violating the constituti­on and eroding fundamenta­l rights in Poland.

Former president Lech Walesa, the leader of the Solidarity movement that played a historic role in toppling communism in Poland, marched alongside the leader of the opposition Civic Platform party, former prime minister Donald Tusk.

Walesa and Tusk are reviled by the ruling Law and Justice party led by Jaroslaw Kaczynski, and the Warsaw crowd chanted “Democracy!” and “Constituti­on!”

The rally started at Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki's office and ended up at the Royal Castle, where Tusk hailed the turnout and pledged to fight to win an autumn election.

“We are going to these elections to win and to right human wrongs. I promise you victory, a settlement of evil, compensati­on for human wrongs, and reconcilia­tion among Poles,” Tusk told the crowd.

The government spokesman, Piotr Mueller, accused Tusk and Walesa of “trying to overthrow the government.”

Tusk had called on Poles to march with him for the sake of the nation’s future — a message that resonated for Radek Tusinski, 49, who arrived with his wife and two children. A handmade sign reading “I cannot give up freedom” was attached to their baby stroller.

Tusinski said that he worries about the creeping return of an authoritar­ian system similar to what he remembers from his childhood.

“We want a free country for our children,” he said.

Supporters of the march have warned that the election might be the nation's last chance to stop the erosion of democracy under Law and Justice amid growing fears that the fall election might not be fair.

In power since 2015, Law and Justice has found a popular formula, combining higher social spending with socially conservati­ve policies and support for the church in the mostly Catholic nation.

However, critics have warned for years that the party is reversing many of the achievemen­ts made since Poland emerged from communist rule in 1989.

The US government has intervened at times when it felt the government was eroding media liberties and academic freedom in the area of Holocaust research.

Critics point mainly to the party's step-by-step takeover of the judiciary and media, and fear that Law and Justice could eventually force Poland to leave the 27-member European Union.

A clampdown on abortion rights has triggered mass protests. Some also voiced anger at double-digit inflation in the country. Poland's government blames Russia's war in Ukraine and the COVID-19 pandemic, but economists say its spending policies have accelerate­d spiraling prices.

Barbara Dec, 26, and her grandmothe­r left their hometown of Zielona Gora at 4:30 a.m. and traveled seven hours on a bus organized by Civic Platform to protest.

Dec held up a cardboard sign that read, “I am afraid to have children in Poland.”

“Women have lost the right to have an abortion even when the fetus is terminally ill, and some women have died,” she explained. “And I am also afraid I couldn't manage financiall­y.”

The march was held on the 34th anniversar­y of Poland’s first partly-free election. The protest was seen as a test for Tusk’s Civic Platform, a centrist and pro-European party that has trailed Law and Justice in polls.

However, the passage of a contentiou­s law last month seems to have mobilized greater support for Tusk. Poland is expected to hold a general election in October, though a date hasn't been set.

The law allows for the creation of a commission to investigat­e Russian influence in Poland. Critics argue that it would have unconstitu­tional powers, including the capacity to exclude officials from public life for a decade. They fear it will be used by the ruling party to remove Tusk and other opponents from public life.

 ?? WOJTEK RADWANSKI/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Hundreds of thousands of people attended an antigovern­ment demonstrat­ion in Warsaw on Sunday.
WOJTEK RADWANSKI/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Hundreds of thousands of people attended an antigovern­ment demonstrat­ion in Warsaw on Sunday.

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