The Boston Globe

Diversity lacking in much of delegation’s staff

Keating, Auchinclos­s have whitest group; Pressley, Warren hire the most of color


WASHINGTON — At a time of increasing scrutiny of diversity in hiring, nearly half of the Massachuse­tts congressio­nal delegation, including a majority of its House lawmakers, have a whiter staff than the chamber’s average Democratic office, with some not meeting the diversity level of the state as a whole, a Globe data analysis has found.

The lack of racial representa­tion is especially stark among senior staff. At least three-quarters of the most senior positions are held by white employees in most Massachuse­tts offices, and in at least four offices there were no people of color in top jobs, according to the most recent congressio­nal staff data.

Representa­tives Bill Keating and Jake Auchinclos­s have the least diverse staffs overall, including allwhite senior leadership. Representa­tives Jim McGovern and Katherine Clark also had no staffers of color in their most senior positions during the 2021-22 congressio­nal session, the period reviewed by the Globe, though Clark’s office noted her team in her leadership office in that period was significan­tly more diverse.

The most diverse offices in the delegation were those of Boston Representa­tive Ayanna Pressley, whose staff was 24 percent white; Senator Elizabeth Warren, at 44 percent white; Senator Ed Markey, at 59 percent white; and Clark, at 62 percent white. Markey and Warren both significan­tly exceed the average staff diversity level for Senate Democrats, where 71 percent of those employed are white.

While every member of the allDemocra­tic delegation has a more diverse staff than the average House Republican — those offices average more than 90 percent white and the party has vilified diversity initiative­s as divisive and biased against white

people — experts with whom the Globe shared the data question whether Massachuse­tts’ lawmakers are hiring staff that best reflect all of their constituen­ts.

“The perspectiv­es and decisions of congressio­nal staff help to shape, literally, the everyday lives of average Americans,” said LaShonda Brenson, senior researcher at the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, which bills itself as America’s Black think tank. “And so it’s especially important that there is not a lack of representa­tion that exists within these key positions.”

The Globe reviewed the staff lists for each Massachuse­tts lawmaker from 2021 and 2022, the last full congressio­nal term, using publicly available employment informatio­n, as well as that compiled by the nonpartisa­n congressio­nal data service Legistorm. The demographi­cs of every full-time employee who worked within that time frame were tabulated, regardless of whether they worked the full two years. Interns were excluded. Data for 2023 was not available. Every office was given an opportunit­y to review their data.

Three offices were significan­tly less diverse than the average staff demographi­cs for House Democrats in that time period, which was roughly 64 percent white. Additional­ly, there was so little racial diversity in those offices, they also fell behind the state’s demographi­cs.

Keating’s staff was nearly 88 percent white. Auchinclos­s’s office was 80 percent white. And Salem Representa­tive Seth Moulton’s office was nearly 77 percent white. Keating’s office said they do not ask staff about their racial identity, and Moulton’s office said it makes a concerted effort to seek a diverse applicant pool for every job opening and continues to explore strategies to improve on those efforts. Auchinclos­s’s office declined to comment.

While the United States is roughly 60 percent white, Massachuse­tts is less diverse than average, with a population 74 percent white. Keating, Auchinclos­s, and Moulton also represent the three least diverse districts in the state, according to numbers compiled by Data USA, a tool to analyze government data built by MIT and Deloitte.

Two other Massachuse­tts offices — Springfiel­d Representa­tive Richard Neal and Westford Representa­tive Lori Trahan — came in above the House Democratic average with white employees making up 70 percent of their staff. Trahan’s office noted that it had two fellows last Congress with salaries paid for by an outside organizati­on, one who was of Asian descent and one who was nonbinary.

Brenson, who studies the issue for the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, said that historical­ly the Senate has done significan­tly worse than the House as it relates to the hiring and promotion of people of color — especially Black employees — in top positions.

A few other offices were close to the average. Worcester Representa­tive Jim McGovern’s office and South Boston Representa­tive Stephen Lynch’s office were both about two-thirds white.

When it came to gender diversity, offices were more evenly split.

Every congressio­nal office in the delegation except Lynch’s and Pressley’s had a majority of women working on staff, as is typical in both the House and Senate. Pressley’s was evenly split in addition to one nonbinary staffer, and Lynch’s office had one more man on staff than women. Four offices — Auchinclos­s’s, Clark’s, Trahan’s, and Warren’s — were staffed by more than 60 percent women.

The Globe also examined the demographi­cs of senior positions in the offices. For the analysis, senior staffers were defined as chiefs of staff, deputy chiefs of staff, district or state directors, legislativ­e directors, and senior advisers or chief counsels. Junior staffers were defined as lowlevel or entry-level positions, and mid-level staff was everything in between. Some offices individual­ly disputed the definition of senior staff, but the Globe applied the same categories across its analysis.

Lynch’s office was the only one with an all-male senior staff, but many offices had much less racial diversity at their senior level than on their staff as a whole.

Auchinclos­s, Clark, Keating, and McGovern had all-white senior staff and Trahan’s was 90 percent white. Only three offices had senior staff that weren’t three-quarters white or greater: Pressley, Warren, and Lynch. Clark’s office, however, provided its own analysis of its 2023 staff, which includes a significan­tly bigger footprint since her promotion to the number two position in Democratic House leadership, and calculated its current senior staff as now 57 percent white.

Every chief of staff in the delegation was white, though there was gender parity.

Overall, diversity generally increased for offices as staff became more junior.

Sarah Drory, a congressio­nal staffer and spokespers­on for the Congressio­nal Workers Union, said the issue of senior staff is a particular focus of the union organizers, who recently unionized in Markey’s office.

“Those are the people who are making hiring decisions, who are making decisions at the top in terms of policy, and it’s extremely important to have those people bring experience­s that are going to encourage Congress to be a more welcoming and diverse and productive workplace,” Drory said.

Congressio­nal Black Associates, a group that promotes the well-being of Black staff on the Hill, echoed the importance of including a range of viewpoints.

“Diversity of staff better ensures that the voices of many across this nation, particular­ly Black and brown people that have historical­ly been marginaliz­ed, are present at the decisionma­king table and that our elected officials are well-informed about the impact of their decisions,” the group said in a statement.

Many of the lawmakers with the most diverse offices noted that it was a priority.

“It’s important that our office reflect the diversity of Massachuse­tts and that constituen­ts of all background­s are seen, heard, and well-represente­d,” Warren said in a statement.

Pressley’s office volunteere­d other ways that staff identify themselves beyond what’s in the data, including Afro-Latina, LGBTQ, Muslim, first-generation immigrant, and asylum seeker.

“Our office aims to govern in close partnershi­p with community, and building a team that is representa­tive of the people we serve is a critical piece of that work,” Pressley said in a statement.

Clark’s office noted that the issue has been a key focus for her.

“It’s one of my top priorities to ensure that everyone feels seen, welcome, and able to participat­e in all levels of our government,” Clark said.

McGovern’s office also noted it has two LGBTQ staffers, and that as Rules Committee chair he created the House Office of Diversity and Inclusion, which promotes diversity among House staff, and which Republican­s are now trying to eliminate in the appropriat­ions process.

“For too long the halls of power have been reserved for certain people with certain background­s — and our country has been worse off for it,” McGovern said in a statement.

 ?? PATRICK SEMANSKY/ASSOCIATED PRESS/FILE 2022 ?? The United States is roughly 60 percent white, while Massachuse­tts is less diverse than average, with a population 74 percent white.
PATRICK SEMANSKY/ASSOCIATED PRESS/FILE 2022 The United States is roughly 60 percent white, while Massachuse­tts is less diverse than average, with a population 74 percent white.
 ?? ??
 ?? DAVID L. RYAN/GLOBE STAFF ?? Representa­tive Ayanna Pressley’s staff was 24 percent white, the lowest number for any member of the state’s congressio­nal delegation.
DAVID L. RYAN/GLOBE STAFF Representa­tive Ayanna Pressley’s staff was 24 percent white, the lowest number for any member of the state’s congressio­nal delegation.

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