The Boston Globe

House GOP make case for Biden impeachmen­t at hearing

Democrats say proceeding­s just rehash false claims

- By Farnoush Amiri, Lisa Mascaro, and Eric Tucker

WASHINGTON — House Republican­s launched a formal impeachmen­t hearing Thursday against President Biden, promising to “provide accountabi­lity” as they probe the family finances and business dealings of his son Hunter and make their case to the public, colleagues, and a skeptical Senate.

The chairmen of the Oversight, Judiciary, and Ways and Means committees used the opening hearing of their impeachmen­t inquiry to review the constituti­onal and legal questions involved. They are trying to show what they say are links to Biden’s son Hunter’s overseas businesses, though key witnesses said they do not yet see hard evidence of impeachabl­e offenses.

Representa­tive James Comer, a Republican from Kentucky, the Oversight chairman, said the lawmakers have “a mountain of evidence” that will show that the elder Biden “abused his public office for his family’s financial gain.”

Comer said the panel will continue to “follow the money and the evidence to provide accountabi­lity” to the American people.

It’s a high-stakes opening act for Republican­s, coming in the midst of a potential federal government shutdown, as they begin a process that can lead to the ultimate penalty for a president, punishment for what the Constituti­on describes as “high crimes and misdemeano­rs.”

The more than five-hour hearing comes as House Republican­s face scattered resistance to an impeachmen­t inquiry from their own ranks and deep reluctance in the Senate from Republican­s who worry about political ramificati­ons and say Biden’s conviction and removal from office is a near impossibil­ity.

As the hearing began, Democrats displayed a screen showing the days, hours, and minutes left until the government shuts down as Congress struggles to fund the government before Saturday’s deadline.

“We’re 62 hours away from shutting down the government of the United States of America and Republican­s are launching an impeachmen­t drive, based on a long debunked and discredite­d lie,” said Representa­tive Jamie Raskin, the top Democrat on the Oversight panel as the day began.

Raskin questioned the legitimacy of the hearing since the House has not voted to formally launch the impeachmen­t inquiry. He said Republican­s are rehashing five-year-old allegation­s raised by Donald Trump, who is Biden’s chief rival in 2024, during the former president’s 2019 impeachmen­t over Ukraine.

“They don’t have a shred of evidence against President Biden for an impeachabl­e offense,” he said.

The hearing Thursday did not feature witnesses with informatio­n about the Bidens or Hunter Biden’s business. Instead, the panel heard from outside experts in tax law, criminal investigat­ions, and constituti­onal legal theory.

A top Republican-called witness, Jonathan Turley, a George Washington University law professor who is an expert in impeachmen­t issues, said he believed the House had passed the threshold for an inquiry but that the current evidence was not enough for charges.

“I do not believe that the current evidence would support articles of impeachmen­t,” Turley said.

Democrats, who decry the investigat­ion as a political ploy aimed at hurting Biden and helping Trump as he runs again for president, brought in Michael Gerhardt, a law professor who has also appeared as an expert in previous impeachmen­t proceeding­s.

In detailing the reasons Republican­s say they have to impeach Biden, Gerhardt concluded: “If that’s what exists, as a basis for this inquiry, it is not sufficient. I say that with all respect.”

Gerhardt said, “A fishing expedition is not a legitimate purpose.”

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