The Boston Globe

Two views on the booing of Markey over his call for ‘de-escalation’


Out of context, it might at best be strange and at worst alarming to hear that a group that had gathered to rally in support of Israel booed loudly when Senator Ed Markey called for a de-escalation of violence (“Passionate response is felt across Mass.,” Page A1, Oct. 10). The crowd that cheered loudly for others who spoke, including Senator Elizabeth Warren and Governor Maura Healey, had no patience for a seemingly innocuous call for nonviolenc­e. Context, however, is everything.

I, too, a staunch peace activist, booed passionate­ly. I booed because, in context, the comment was at best offensive and at worst dangerous.

Urging supporters of Israel to call for de-escalating the violence implicates us in the rape of daughters, the kidnapping of grandmothe­rs, and the murder of sons. Simply put, the Israelis are not in control of de-escalating the violence.

Markey seems to be suggesting that if Israel does not respond, peace will ensue. This is a perilous idea. Peace will not ensue; rather, terror will endure. Dead Jews will lie in the streets as Hamas terrorists celebrate.

If Markey truly loves and pursues peace, I encourage the senator to apologize for his asinine suggestion that a deescalati­on of violence in the short term will yield anything more than dead Jews in the long term.


Head of school Striar Hebrew Academy


Your report on one of the rallies on Boston Common Monday documents people booing Senator Edward Markey for urging a de-escalation of the violence in Israel and the Palestinia­n territorie­s right now. A desire for vengeance is understand­able as we hear about and see the deaths in Israel and Gaza and realize that there are people there and here who don’t know when or if they will see their missing family and friends again. However, we should expect more from our political leaders than riding the wave of emotion in calls for retributio­n. Rather than deserving boos, Markey may be showing us the wisdom of age. De-escalation and stopping the violence are the first of many steps toward justice for both Israelis and Palestinia­ns.



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