The Boston Globe

Biden pick for Israel envoy vows to work to end Hamas attacks


WASHINGTON — President Biden’s nominee to be ambassador to Israel told senators Wednesday that he would “ensure Israel has what it needs to defend itself ” and would work with the US ally to end the attacks by Hamas if he were confirmed.

Jacob Lew, a treasury secretary under President Barack Obama, promised to coordinate with the internatio­nal community and address the humanitari­an crisis facing civilians in Gaza amid Israeli military strikes. His hearing came as Biden visited Israel to reinforce US support and try to ease tensions in the latest war with Hamas.

“At this moment, there is no greater mission than to be asked to strengthen the ties between the United States and the State of Israel and to work toward peace in a region that has known so much war and destructio­n,” Lew said in his opening statement.

The Senate is moving quickly to confirm Lew, who was nominated by Biden last month after Tom Nides left as ambassador in July. Democrats say Lew’s wealth of government experience — he also was chief of staff to Obama and White House budget director under Obama and President Bill Clinton — makes him the right person to fill the post at a a critical moment in the two countries’ relationsh­ip.

“Hamas has started a war,” said Senator Ben Cardin, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, as he began the hearing. “Given the dangerous state of emergency that Israel faces, the United States needs a confirmed US ambassador in Jerusalem.”

Cardin, a Maryland Democrat, has said Lew, who goes by Jack, is “an outstandin­g, qualified person” and that it is urgent to have a confirmed ambassador to help Israel as it navigates the new war, works to release hostages held by Hamas, and deals with increasing concerns about tensions on the northern border with Hezbollah. Cardin said it is also important to “keep normalizat­ion talks alive” that could improve diplomatic relations between Israel and Arab countries in the region.

Several Republican­s on the committee said they had concerns about Lew, and their opposition could slow his nomination. The committee is expected to vote next week and move it to the full Senate.

The Republican­s criticized Lew for his role in the Obama White House when it negotiated the Iran nuclear agreement in 2015 ,among other foreign policy moves. The deal with Iran — the chief sponsor of Hamas — was later scuttled by former President Donald Trump. Biden has sought to resurrect the pact, which would provide Tehran with billions of dollars in sanctions relief in exchange for the country agreeing to roll back its nuclear program.

Lew indicated that he believes that further talks on the issue should be on hold, at least for now. “I don’t think this is the moment to be negotiatin­g with Iran,” he said.

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