The Boston Globe

US officials fear guns could fuel violence

American arms ordered by Israel

- By Edward Wong and Patrick Kingsley

WASHINGTON — An Israeli government request for 24,000 assault rifles from the United States is drawing scrutiny from American lawmakers and some State Department officials who fear the weapons might end up in the hands of settlers and civilian militias trying to force Palestinia­ns from land in the West Bank, where violence has been surging, US officials say.

The three proposed tranches of semi-automatic and automatic rifles are valued at $34 million and are being ordered directly from US gunmakers, but they require State Department approval and congressio­nal notificati­on. Israel says the rifles would be used by the national police force but has also indicated that they could be given to civilians, people familiar with the weapons orders told The New York Times.

The State Department gave informal notificati­on of the sale last week to congressio­nal committees, which ignited concerns and prompted requests for the department to ask Israel tougher questions about how it intends to use the arms. Within the department, officials working on human rights issues have expressed reservatio­ns, while those overseeing weapons sales intend to approve the orders and announce them in the coming days, US officials say.

The Israeli police are seeking to bolster their weapons arsenal after officials pledged to supply thousands of weapons to Israeli civilians in at least 1,000 towns and cities, including Israeli settlement­s in the occupied West Bank. About 500,000 Israelis have moved to settlement­s there over many years, which, along with military checkpoint­s, fences, and other measures of the Israeli government occupation, keep the area’s 2.7 million Palestinia­ns living in separate small enclaves.

Although much of the global criticism of Israel’s recent actions has centered on its airstrikes in the Gaza Strip, which Health Ministry officials there say have killed nearly 10,000 people, President Biden and his top aides are increasing­ly worried about rising violence in the West Bank.

Even before the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attacks set off the current war in Gaza, violence by Israeli settlers in the West Bank who aim to force Palestinia­ns from strategic tracts of land had risen well above the level of recent years.

US officials attributed that to the encouragem­ent of settlers by the far-right government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and statements by some Israeli officials supporting the annexation of the West Bank. Since Oct. 7, more than 150 Palestinia­ns have been killed in the West Bank — nearly equal to the number in all of 2022, according to the Palestinia­n Health Ministry.

Most of the killings have taken place during encounters with the Israeli military, but some have been at the hands of gun-bearing civilians. Biden said on Oct. 25 that violence by “extremist settlers” was “pouring gasoline on fire.” Secretary of State Antony Blinken raised concerns with Israeli leaders during his trip to Tel Aviv, Israel, on Friday and spoke about the problem with Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Palestinia­n Authority, in a meeting in the West Bank city of Ramallah on Sunday.

The two discussed “efforts to restore calm and stability in the West Bank, including the need to stop extremist violence against Palestinia­ns and hold those accountabl­e responsibl­e,” the State Department said in a statement.

Both Biden and Blinken have stressed in recent days that a Palestinia­n state existing alongside Israel is the best long-term solution to the decades-old conflict.

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