The Boston Globe

Mich. judge hears case over keeping Trump off ballet


A judge in Michigan heard arguments Thursday on whether Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has the authority to keep Donald Trump’s name off state ballots for president.

Activists sued Benson in the Michigan Court of Claims to force her to keep Trump’s name off ballots and to assess Trump’s constituti­onal qualificat­ions to serve a second term as president.

Meanwhile, attorneys for the former president demanded that Trump’s name be allowed on the 2024 Republican presidenti­al primary ballot.

Arguments in three separate cases started Thursday morning in Grand Rapids before Judge James Robert Redford, who, at the end of the hearings, told the parties that he “will act with all possible deliberate speed to figure out what should happen next.”

Redford said he will issue written opinions but did not give a time frame for when that will occur.

He also alluded to expecting some type of appeal.

“I fully recognize I am not the last word on whatever happens in this case,” he said.

Activists in two separate suits point to a section of the US Constituti­on’s 14th Amendment that prohibits a person from running for federal office if they have engaged in insurrecti­on or rebellion against the United States or given aid or comfort to those who have.

Liberal groups have filed similar lawsuits in Colorado and Minnesota to also bar Trump from the ballot, portraying him as the inciter of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol, which was intended to stop Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s 2020 presidenti­al election win.

The groups cite a rarely used constituti­onal prohibitio­n against holding office for those who swore an oath to uphold the Constituti­on but then “engaged in insurrecti­on” against it. The two-sentence clause in the 14th Amendment has been used only a handful of times since the years after the Civil War.

But the Minnesota Supreme Court on Wednesday dismissed a lawsuit citing the provision. The court’s ruling said its decision applied only to the state’s primary.

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