The Boston Globe



Recent sightings on Cape Cod (through Nov. 21) as reported to Mass Audubon.

Sightings at Fort Hill in Eastham included a possible Western tanager, 20 Eastern bluebirds, 50 cedar waxwings, 5 winter wrens, 3 fox sparrows, 4 yellow-breasted chats, 6 orange-crowned warblers, a blackand-white warbler, and a dickcissel.

Birds noted from Marconi Site overlook in Wellfleet included 2 black-headed gulls, 4 green-winged teal, 1,500 surf scoters, 740 white-winged scoters, 3,400 black scoters, 215 long-tailed ducks, 2 pomarine jaegers, 2,400 razorbills, 350 black-legged kittiwake, 215 Bonaparte’s gulls, 4 lesser black-backed gulls, an Iceland gull, 350 redthroate­d loons, 80 common loons, 96 great shearwater­s, and 22 Manx shearwater­s.

High numbers of seabirds were also noted off Nauset Beach in Orleans, including 2,100 common eider, 2,300 white-winged scoters, 450 long-tailed ducks, 8,200 razorbills, a black-headed gull, 3,500 herring gulls, 9 lesser black-backed gulls, 630 redthroate­d loons, 210 common loons, 710 great shearwater­s, 4 sooty shearwater­s, 48 Manx shearwater­s, 650 Northern gannets, 1,250 double-crested cormorants, 40 pine siskins, and 30 snow buntings.

Yet more seabirds from Race Point in Provinceto­wn included 7,000 common eider, 1,500 red-breasted mergansers, a purple sandpiper, 1,900 razorbills, 15 dovekies, a thick-billed murre, 3 common murres, a black guillemot, 700 black-legged kittiwakes, 4,000 Bonaparte’s gulls, 3 Iceland gulls, 35 great shearwater­s, 800 Northern gannets, a Lapland longspur, and 80 snow buntings.

Other sightings around the Cape included a white-rumped sandpiper and a greatcrest­ed flycatcher in Sandwich, 2 willets at Forest Beach in Chatham, a late Tennessee warbler banded at Wing Island in Brewster, and a blue-gray gnatcatche­r in Orleans.

If you have questions or want to report a sighting, call the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary at 508-349-2615 or send e-mail to cape.sightings@massaudubo­

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