The Boston Globe

Zelensky to visit D.C. in bid to secure aid


WASHINGTON — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will travel to Washington on Tuesday for a last-ditch lobbying effort with President Biden and members of Congress aimed at securing billions of dollars of US aid, officials said Sunday.

Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, said Zelensky would meet with Biden at the White House to “underscore the United States’ unshakable commitment” to the embattled nation as it resists Russia’s invasion.

“As Russia ramps up its missile and drone strikes against Ukraine, the leaders will discuss Ukraine’s urgent needs and the vital importance of the United States’ continued support at this critical moment,” Jean-Pierre said.

Last week, Republican­s blocked a $110.5 billion emergency bill that includes funding for Ukraine’s war effort, putting in doubt whether the United States would continue helping arm the country in its fight against Russia.

They have argued that any measure to fund Ukraine’s war effort must be coupled with changes to US asylum laws and detention policies, which were not included in the bill.

Biden and his aides have warned that refusing to support Ukraine in the coming months could pave the way for a victory by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Zelensky’s chief of staff also said last week that Ukraine could lose the war if the United States delayed the aid.

Republican­s have responded by saying that Biden and Zelensky have not provided a clear plan for winning the war, which has stalled after dragging on for more than a year and a half.

Zelensky will have an opportunit­y to face some of the lawmakers directly on Tuesday morning during a closed-door session with senators, according to a senior Democratic aide.

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