The Boston Globe

Trump appeals Maine ballot denial


PORTLAND, Maine — Former president Donald Trump on Tuesday appealed a ruling by Maine’s Democratic secretary of state barring him from the ballot over his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol. He was expected to also ask the US Supreme Court to rule on his eligibilit­y to return to the presidency in a related Colorado case.

The Republican candidate appealed the Maine decision by Shenna Bellows, who became the first secretary of state in history to bar someone from running for the presidency under the rarely used Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. That provision prohibits those who “engaged in insurrecti­on” from holding office.

Trump’s appeal to the Maine Supreme Court declares that Bellows had no jurisdicti­on in the matter and asks that she be required to place Trump on the March 5 primary ballot. The appeal argues that she abused her discretion and relied on “untrustwor­thy evidence.”

“The secretary should have recused herself due to her bias against President Trump, as demonstrat­ed by a documented history of prior statements prejudging the issue presented,” Trump’s attorneys wrote.

Bellows reiterated on Tuesday that her ruling was on pause pending the outcome of the appeal, which had been expected.

“This is part of the process. I have confidence in my decision and confidence in the rule of law. This is Maine’s process and it’s really important that first and foremost every single one of us who serves in government uphold the Constituti­on and the laws of the state,” she said.

Trump on Tuesday was also expected to appeal a similar ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court directly to the US Supreme Court.

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