The Boston Globe

Haley hits harder at Trump in N.H. visit

Pivots away from reserved approach

- By Samantha J. Gross GLOBE STAFF

MILFORD, N.H. — Former UN ambassador and South Carolina governor Nikki Haley spoke out against Donald Trump on her latest swing through New Hampshire during the pivotal weeks before the Jan. 23 primary, a departure from the more reserved approach to attacking the former president she’s typically exhibited. “I see the commercial­s that you are seeing. President Trump’s given me some attention these days,” Haley said, responding to Trump’s Super PAC’s first negative ad against her this cycle, which called her “High Tax Haley.”

“In his commercial­s and in his temper tantrums, every single thing that he’s said has been a lie,” she continued.

Haley said she was “kind of flattered” by the ad and said the attacks show that Trump is “getting uncomforta­ble.”

“So when they go and clip little pieces of speeches I give, tell the truth,” she said. “If you’ve got to lie to win, you don’t deserve to win.”

She made the same attack Tuesday night at an event in Rye, N.H.

Numerous polls have shown Haley pulling into a clear second place in New Hampshire’s critical first-inthe-nation presidenti­al primary contest, with one eyebrow-raising poll by American Research Group Inc. last week putting Haley within 4 percentage points of Trump. (Other

‘In his commercial­s and in his temper tantrums, every single thing that he’s said has been a lie.’ NIKKI HALEY, on the negative ads from the Trump campaign

polls show her behind the former president by a double-digit margin.)

With fewer than three weeks before primary day, Haley appeared willing to sharpen her attacks on Trump.

Haley referenced Trump throughout her three events Wednesday. In Kingston, N.H., she said while she thinks “President Trump was the right president at the right time,” he attracted “chaos.”

In Milford, N.H., she told a crowded gymnasium that “we can’t have a country in disarray and a world on fire and go through four more years of chaos.”

“We won’t survive,” she said to applause. “You don’t defeat Democrat chaos with Republican chaos.”

Kevin Cronin, 59, of Londonderr­y, said Haley’s comments are fair, and that “she is going to unite America.”

‘I like Christie’s attacks on Trump. I think Haley’s too wishy-washy. She’s not addressing the subject.’


“If it were her against Biden, she’d cream him. I am really passionate about that,” he said. “Her platform, her issues are aligned with mine.”

Even given her recent comments, some moderate voters in New Hampshire wish she hit Trump harder. In interviews with the Globe, several voters attending Haley’s events said they prefer the more abrasive style of former New Jersey governor Chris Christie, who called Trump a “dictator,” a “bully,” and an “angry, bitter man” during a debate last month.

These voters had not missed that during a recent stop in Plymouth, N.H., Haley pledged to pardon Trump if he is convicted of any of the 91 felony charges he is currently facing.

“I like Christie’s attacks on Trump. I think Haley’s too wishy-washy. She’s not addressing the subject,” said Bob McGrath, 74, of Londonderr­y, N.H. “She’s not addressing whether she’d pardon Trump. This whole election has got me really nervous.”

Joanne Dworman, of Exeter, N.H., said she is concerned Haley is still too cozy with Trump, who appointed her as UN ambassador. She wondered if Trump wins the primary election and chooses her as a running mate.

“I don’t want to live in a country that’s not a democracy. I am voting for the person who can beat Trump,” she said. “However, I do not want to be part of the problem if she becomes vice president and goes along with any dictatoria­l antics by Trump to dismantle our democracy.”

 ?? ERIN CLARK/GLOBE STAFF ?? Many polls now have the former South Carolina governor and presidenti­al candidate Nikki Haley in second place behind Donald Trump in New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary.
ERIN CLARK/GLOBE STAFF Many polls now have the former South Carolina governor and presidenti­al candidate Nikki Haley in second place behind Donald Trump in New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary.
 ?? ERIN CLARK/GLOBE STAFF ?? Presidenti­al candidate Nikki Haley spoke to potential voters at an event in New Hampshire.
ERIN CLARK/GLOBE STAFF Presidenti­al candidate Nikki Haley spoke to potential voters at an event in New Hampshire.

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