The Boston Globe

Hunter Biden’s testimony starts with defiant statement


Hunter Biden testified on Wednesday that he never involved his father, President Biden, in any of his business decisions, and he accused House Republican­s of having “built your entire partisan house of cards on lies.”

The president’s son, ahead of what is expected to be a lengthy, and long-awaited, closed-door deposition for the GOP-led impeachmen­t inquiry of the president, wrote an opening statement that was defiant, emotional, and combative.

“I am here today to provide the Committees with the one uncontesta­ble fact that should end the false premise of this inquiry: I did not involve my father in my business,” he said, according to a copy of the statement obtained by The Washington Post. “Not while I was a practicing lawyer, not in my investment­s or transactio­ns domestic or internatio­nal, not as a board member, and not as an artist. Never.”

The testimony comes as House Republican­s have struggled to uncover firm evidence that Joe Biden benefited from — or played a role in — the business pursuits of his family members. The testimony from Hunter Biden follows an appearance from President Biden’s younger brother James, who last week testified that Joe Biden never played a role in his businesses. Several other former associates of Hunter and James Biden have made similar statements under oath.

Hunter Biden’s appearance before the Oversight and Judiciary committees could provide Republican­s with a final chance to alter the trajectory of an impeachmen­t inquiry that so far has produced mostly exculpator­y statements, despite Republican­s’ efforts to prove that the president benefited improperly from his family’s businesses.

“This has been a comedy of errors from the beginning,” Representa­tive Jamie Raskin said ahead of the hearing, urging Republican­s to “fold up the circus tent” and end the impeachmen­t inquiry.

“We have gotten extremely far afield from the constituti­onal standard,” the Maryland Democrat said. “Nobody on their side can state what they think Joe Biden did, even as a private citizen, that would constitute some kind of criminal offense.”

The GOP leaders of the inquiry dispute that, saying they have uncovered informatio­n suggesting that the president did benefit from the foreign business dealings of his family members and that he used his position to help them.

Representa­tive Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said the inquiry would link the business ventures of Hunter Biden directly to his father.

“There’s a pattern with the Biden family: Hunter Biden goes out and tries to get business, but the agreements and the deals never get done until Joe Biden shows up, either on a phone call or dropping by a lunch, dropping by a dinner,” the Ohio Republican told Fox News.

In his opening statement Wednesday, Hunter Biden noted that the credibilit­y of several witnesses cited by Republican­s has since been undermined, including Alexander Smirnov, who has recently been charged with lying to the FBI about the Bidens.

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