The Boston Globe

Conservati­ve Supreme Court justices should listen to their mentors

- Kimberly Atkins Stohr is a columnist for the Globe. She may be reached at kimberly.atkinsstoh­ Follow her @KimberlyEA­tkins.

Stephen Breyer is doing what few other retired Supreme Court justices have dared: He’s publicly criticizin­g the justices who are on the bench. In particular, in a recent interview and in his upcoming book “Reading the Constituti­on: Why I Chose Pragmatism, Not Textualism,” Breyer seems to take aim at the so-called “originalis­m” of the court’s three most recent Republican appointees: Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.

While they, like other conservati­ve jurists on the court, embrace the view that the text of the Constituti­on must be read in terms of the original meaning of its drafters, Breyer wrote in his book that their approach is misguided.

“Major changes take time, and there are many years left for the newly appointed justices to decide whether they want to build the law using only textualism and originalis­m.”

In a recent New York Times interview, Breyer was more pointed, noting that the real-life consequenc­e of the court’s ruling overturnin­g Roe v. Wade is to allow “women to die on the table.” While blunt, Breyer’s candor about the state of the court is refreshing and much needed.

But let’s face it, the conservati­ves aren’t likely to pay much attention to their liberal former colleague.

In the interview, Breyer named three justices with whom he shared the same careful, thoughtful, and measured approach to constituti­onal interpreta­tion — one not tethered to fixed, centuries-old meanings. And they were all appointed by Republican­s: Justices Sandra Day O’Connor, David H. Souter, and Anthony M. Kennedy.

O’Connor passed away in December after a long battle with advanced dementia. But the other two justices, like Breyer, are retired. They have not spoken publicly about the current court as Breyer has chosen to do. And that’s a shame, because the court’s newest justices could learn a lot from them.

Souter did explain his approach to tackling tough constituti­onal questions in a 2010 Harvard University commenceme­nt speech. He said trying to determine the constituti­onal rules of the road only from the original meaning of its texts is not only unwise, it is so unrealisti­c as to be impossible.

“The Constituti­on is no simple contract, not because it uses a certain amount of open-ended language that a contract draftsman would try to avoid,” Souter told the graduates, “but because its language grants and guarantees many good things, and good things that compete with each other and can never all be realized, all together, all at once.”

He used as an example the famous Pentagon Papers case, which placed two clearly stated constituti­onal interests at odds with one another: the First Amendment’s protection of the press from prior restraint and the government’s constituti­onal duty to ensure the nation’s security. For one to win, the other had to give. The court couldn’t just read the text. It had to make a hard choice, and that choice ultimately went in favor of the press and its right to publish the papers.

In other words, justices can’t just look at the text of the Constituti­on and history. They need to make judgments based on the facts and circumstan­ces before them.

Souter noted that that was what happened when the court decided Brown v. Board of Education, overturnin­g the “separate but equal” doctrine of Plessy v. Ferguson. He noted that Plessy was decided by justices who lived during the era of legalized human enslavemen­t. But the justices in Brown lived in a world where forced segregatio­n was seen by the justices through a different lens. The constituti­on hadn’t changed. The nation had.

Kennedy, in his opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges recognizin­g the constituti­onal right of samesex couples to marry, didn’t get hung up on the fact that there were no legal gay marriages during the Framers’ time. He did note that “the right to marry is fundamenta­l because it supports a twoperson union unlike any other in its importance to the committed individual­s.” He also noted the greater tolerance in American society for same-sex couples and the need to safeguard their children. Because of that, Kennedy wrote, denying gay couples the right “conflicts with a central premise of the right to marry.”

Contrast that with recent rulings by the court on issues such as gun control and abortion access. Not only had the understand­ing of the substantiv­e due process right of privacy that Roe v. Wade turned on not changed, but it had been relied upon for half a century by people of reproducti­ve age, their families, and health care profession­als. And the notion that the Second Amendment left room for firearms to be, in the words of the Constituti­on, “well-regulated” was assumed to be so clear that a federal assault weapons ban was passed and remained in effect for a full decade until it expired in 2004.

In both cases, the only thing that changed was who was serving on the court. As the bench’s ideologica­l makeup shifted right, its view of the Constituti­on became so strained as to allow little room for abortion access protection­s or common-sense gun control.

The newest justices can learn a lot from the living justices who came before them — particular­ly Kennedy, for whom two current justices — Gorsuch and Kavanaugh — clerked. I would love for Kennedy and Souter to join Breyer’s public chorus. But at the very least, maybe they can give their mentees a call.

As the bench’s ideologica­l makeup shifted right, its view of the Constituti­on became so strained as to allow little room for abortion access protection­s or common-sense gun control.

 ?? ANDREW HARNIK/AP ?? Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen Breyer held up a copy of the US Constituti­on as he announced his retirement in Washington, D.C., Jan. 27, 2022.
ANDREW HARNIK/AP Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen Breyer held up a copy of the US Constituti­on as he announced his retirement in Washington, D.C., Jan. 27, 2022.

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