The Boston Globe

Kosovo doing 1st census in years


PRISTINA, Kosovo — Kosovo’s government on Friday began its first nationwide census since 2011, which will include surveying the ethnic Serb minority in the north, at a time when tensions with neighborin­g Serbia are high.

The Agency of Statistics is conducting the census, originally set to take place in 2021 but postponed due to the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Some 4,400 surveyors will interview residents in person from April 5 until May 17 to cover demographi­c and socioecono­mic indicators that “will take Kosovo a step ahead toward integratio­n into the European Union,” according to the agency’s website.

The Kosovar government, the EU’s statistica­l office, Eurostat, UN organizati­ons, and the World Bank are funding the census which will tally the number of people residing in the country, family households, their education, and employment.

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